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*Your POV*

It had been almost a week since the meeting. We were ordered to keep quiet about our work studies so, we waited silently for the word that the pros had located Chisaki and Eri.

I had quite visibly been in a strange mood since that day. I couldn't get it out of my mind. I remembered what happened to me in the group home. Being sliced open and bleeding out.

I had no idea what that little girl looked like or what she sounded like. I had no idea how old she was. All I knew was that she was experiencing something similar to what I had when I was young. It was painful for me, god only knows what conditions this girl was in.

These monsters were farming her for her blood to make those quirk destroying bullets. It made my skin crawl and my own blood boil.

I was pushing the food around in my bowl at lunchtime as I mulled over everything yet again. I would get distracted for a little while but as soon as I wasn't busy those thoughts invaded my mind. It was irritating. What's worse was the fact that I had to keep it bottled in.

Poor Midoriya was feeling regretful and it was clearly getting the best of him too. When Iida said that he would listen to whatever Midoriya needed to say, he started weeping.

"Heroes aren't supposed to cry." The green haired boy reminded himself.

"I don't know." Todoroki said gently. "I figure that heroes cry when they need to." He looked from Midoriya to myself sitting directly opposite him whilst giving me a warm smile.

I sighed and avoided his gaze. I slowly picked up a piece of meat from my ramen and put it in my mouth. It tasted delicious but I couldn't eat it. It made me sick to my stomach. The boys were sharing their food with Midoriya.

"Here, you can have the rest of mine." After passing off my nearly untouched food I got up from the table and wandered outside. I found a tree and sat on the green grass beneath it.

"You've been acting strange too." I heard a familiar smooth voice and glanced up at the red and white haired boy. "Have I done something?" He asked, concerned.

"No you haven't done anything Shoto, I just can't talk about it. I'm not allowed to." I let out a deep breath again and picked at the blades of grass. "When the time comes that I can speak about it, I hope you'll be there."

"Of course." He sat beside me and rest his head on my shoulder. His hand found mine and he brought it to his lips, gently kissing the back of it. "Just tell me, you're not hurt are you?"

I smiled at him gracefully. "No. I'm fine."

"Good. Otherwise I would have to pummel the one who hurt you."

I let out a breathy laugh in response. "Hopefully I can tell you in a couple of days but I assure you I'm not injured." We sat until the bell rang and soon returned to class.

Two more days passed and night fell. I was curled up in bed with my teddy bear when the sound of my phone buzzing awoke me. My hand slapped it and snatched it so I could read the text. After running my eyes over it I jumped up and bounded down to the common room. I met the others there and they too had received the message.

Their location had been discovered and we were to meet at the same place in the morning to discuss the situation once more.

I crept back to my room to get another hour of sleep, setting ten alarms to ensure I woke up on time, but I was stopped along the way.

"Shoto, what are you doing out of bed?" He startled me.

"I was heading down to get a glass of water, though I could ask you the same." He rubbed his eye sleepily.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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