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*Your POV*

"Awh man. I was totally hoping I'd get to wear my costume." Mina whined.

"At least everyone will be in uniforms." Ojiro replied. "That'll keep things fair right?"

"Right... fair..." I mumbled as I groaned from my seat. I was down to my last pair of pants and was more than positive they were going to burn out. The uniform was made from such a light material that they wore out much quicker than any of my normal clothes. As I thought this Mr Aizawa came through the door.

"(L/n), come see me for a moment." I nodded and stood from my seat. I stepped outside with him. "Here." He handed me another pair of pants. "Hurry up and change into these. It'll save you from destroying yet another clothing piece. I was lucky to get them made in time."

"Get them made?"

"They're constructed using the same material as your costume. I had to pull a few strings but in the end it'll save you the embarrassment. Don't tell anyone."

"Uh okay. Thank you." I rushed to the changing room and put the pants on. They were a little tighter than the other pair I had on previously. I returned to waiting room.

"Did you get new pants (y/n)?" Ochaco asked.

"What? No." I lied terribly. She could tell when I lied but she shrugged it off figuring I probably had a good reason for it.

"Everyone! Get your game faces on! We're entering the area soon!" Iida announced as he entered the room.

"Midoriya." Todoroki walked up to the green haired boy.

"Oh hey Todoroki, what's up?" He asked. Everyone's eyes were on them. It seemed pretty intense.

"From an objective stand point, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." While Midoriya was taken back by his words he agreed nonetheless. "However, you've got All Might in your corner helping you out. I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I will beat you." He stated.

"Huh, what's with all these declarations of war lately?" Kaminari asked.

'And so it begins. Classmates turn against each other and friends become rivals.'

"Yeah what's the big deal?" Kirishima asked as he rested a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden and right before we get started.

The two colour haired boy swatted the hand away. "We're not here to be each other's friends. Don't forget this isn't a team effort." He declared as he retreated.

I tuned out the conversation with my own thoughts. 'He seems even more harsh than ever. Something is driving him today. We all have reasons for being here which is obvious. Maybe his has something to do with the sudden change. I should say something. You could cut this tension with floss.'

"We're the main reason why so many have turned out today. Our class as a whole. This isn't a team effort, you're right. Regardless we should all be aiming for the top right now. We need to show the people watching that we didn't just get lucky in that invasion. Let's go out there and show them that we're all the real deal. We're going to be heroes and if this is the start then we better keep up the hard work and not give in. So before we finally declare each other as rivals, let's all agree to do our best and be proud of whatever we achieve!" I threw a fist in the air.


We were instructed to leave directly after my short speech and I took Ochaco's hand in mine. "Good luck." She gave me a firm nod. We entered the stadium and were met with thousands of spectators screaming and cheering. We walked onto the field as Present Mic introduced us. The rest of the first years came out but didn't receive as loud an applause as we had.

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