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*Your POV*

Later that day as we attempted to leave our class there was a bunch of people standing in the way of the door, practically blocking us from every direction.

"Why the heck are you all here?" Ochaco asked in a slightly intimidated manner.

Iida continued. "Do you students have some sort of business with our class?"

"They're scouting out the competition idiots." Bakugou stated rather annoyed. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They wanna see us with their own eyes." He said as he stepped in the door frame. "At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it extras." He demanded like the pig headed prick he was.

"Idiot!" I shouted while Iida was lecturing him on not calling others extras. "You're gonna make our class look bad now. Why'd you guys even let him anywhere near the door?" I asked from my seat.

"So this is class 1-A? I heard you guys were impressive but you just sound like an ass." Some boy with purple hair and dark bags under his eyes made his way to the front. "Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you?"

"Oh god what the hell is he saying?" I muttered.

He went on to say how he wanted to be in the hero course as did many others. "If any of us do well in the sports festival the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course and they'll have to transfer people out to make room." He said and promptly declared war on us.

Some other boy began yelling and called us spoiled brats. Bakugou ignored him and when Kirishima urged him to come back he said: "None of these people matter. What matters is that I beat them."

'He has a point but it kinda sucks now that everyone hates our class.' I walked toward the door. "Excuse me but you're idle loitering is preventing us from leaving thus interfering with some of our schedules in turn running the risk of us being late to something non-school based. Would you mind stepping aside or perhaps continuing on with your day?" I asked nonchalantly.

The other students blinked and parted to create a walkway, all except for the purple haired boy. "I recognise you. You're that girl who took down some criminal on the subway right?"

"I asked you politely once, if I need to tell you to move again then that will be your second mistake in mere moments." His composure faulted momentarily. Someone who lived at a regular speed wouldn't have noticed it.

"Oh really? And what was my first?" He quirked a brow at me.

"Belittling myself and my classmates, that jerk Bakugou included. Step aside before I run you into the ground." He immediately shuffled away from me.

"Now that's how you part a crowd." I heard Kaminari say behind me.

The next day we started training hard during school hours and after. I was near Kirishima running over my combat sets when he jumped from a building and landed using his quirk. Granted it wasn't as high as what I had fallen in the invasion but I was still impressed.

"That didn't hurt at all?" I asked as he stood from the giant indent he'd created.

"Not a bit." He grinned.

"Hit me." I said simply.


"I've never felt any punch that's been landed on me but I've felt the ground after plummeting maybe a few meters higher than what you just fell. I'm curious to see if my resistance can withstand your hardening ability."

He scratched his cheek. "I'm not gonna hit you."

I sighed. "Don't feel bad about it. It's just training and we all need to consider any possible situation we might find ourselves in during this festival. I need to know the limits of my skin. If it makes you feel better you can punch my arm."

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