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*Your POV*

I swiftly stood up and spun. I tossed him down the alley a little ways and he hit a wall. He staggered back to his feet. "Try to keep up Midoriya." I gave a thumbs up though my eyes still glowed that ominous red.

We began attacking in sync with the help of Shoto from a distance. It seemed like we were winning. Until Midoriya was cornered and immobilised. He didn't even bat an eye at me and immediately went for Shoto. The green haired boy called out in grief as the villain closed in, but I too had launched myself at the boy. The sword was angled to kill my friend. I ducked under the blade as I was only centimetres from him. In the corner of my eye I could see one of the injured getting up. I recognised him as Iida. I jumped and felt a sharp stinging pain in my tail. I extended my arms and before Shoto could comprehend it, I had his head held protectively against me. He was falling backwards as Iida was charging forward.

There was a shattering sound as Shoto and I hit the ground. I quickly turned my head around to see the sword had been broken and he'd been pushed away. I turned my attention to Shoto.

"How's the head?" I asked, still crouching above him. He simply nodded. I stood up and extended a hand in which he grasped with his right side, the side that was not injured. I glanced at the wounds in his left arm and a deadly scowl cast across my expression. I turned my head almost 180 degrees to glare at the villain. "I'm fine Spicy Icy so don't say anything you got that?" I muttered quietly.

The two of us continued attacking the villain and he pinned Iida down. Shoto helped him and I bought them time as I gave it everything I had. 'I'm going to replicate the match I had with Bakugou. Granted he didn't have weapons but I have to try and get in close to hit him. If I can manage to get to his pressure points I can apprehend him.' I thought as I began pouncing from every direction. I couldn't land a single punch because of his sword.

I was mid air, leaping from the wall when my body went limp again. "Did you forget about your tail?" He chuckled. I fell to the ground and rolled.

"Did you forget, that I'm immune to other hypnotic type quirks?" I smirked and pushed myself up against the force of the strange quirk he possessed. Iida and Midoriya went in for an attack each and I joined them. Iida took the left, Midoriya was on the right, so I came in from the bottom. We all landed a solid hit on him. We began falling but Shoto caught us with his ice and brought us back to his side.

Midoriya hit his head on the frosty wall behind us while I slid down like a spinning starfish. We looked up to see the villain knocked out.

"Let's restrain him and get him to the street." Shoto instructed. "Maybe we can find some rope."

"Yeah and we should probably take all those weapons too." Midoriya added.

Meanwhile I was sitting behind them holding my tail. The cut was kinda small but deep and as I had mentioned once before, my tail was the most sensitive part of my body. I was sitting like a child pouting over a broken toy, holding back tears. I sniffled as I tried composing myself.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Shoto asked me as I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"That son of a bitch cut my tail." I mumbled. "Argh! It hurts so freakin' bad!" I yelled and his hand moved away in surprise by my sudden outburst while tears unwillingly leaked from my eyes. "What's this losers deal?!" My head whipped in his direction.

"It really hurts that much?" Midoriya asked.

"Rope! I'll get some rope! And I'll tie him up so tightly his circulation gets cut off! See how he likes that!" I declared as I ran through the alley and rampaged through abandoned boxes and dumpsters. I found some conveniently sitting on top of a bin and raced back. My hand clamped around his wrists as I wound the rope quickly and as tight as I had declared. I left a tail after tying it and Shoto took it from me.

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