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*Your POV*

Mineta had come up to me previously to inform me that the girls had to dress into a cheerleading costume but I instantly shut him down after seeing the uniform.


"What do you mean no? Mr Aizawa specifically asked us to come and tell all the girls it's a mandatory thing." He almost cried.

I turned my head 180° to glare at him. "What do you mean Mr Aizawa said?"

"Well they're having a bunch of side games in the meantime and this was one of them. I don't know what else you have to do he just said to gather all the girls."

I sighed and reluctantly joined the others. Momo created the uniforms for each of us and I turned to warn them. "I have scars that I don't like to talk about that I can't hide in a garment such as this so don't ask." I said quietly. They all nodded in understanding and changed.

I got dressed and you could clearly see the ragged scar on my rib cage and the one near my tail bone that ran across my spine. I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

'I can't forget I'm not the only one with scars. Though I'll keep the one on my wrist hidden.'

Fast forward a little while and all of the girls from 1-A were there in the outfits with pom-poms and according to Present Mic, this wasn't in the schedule.

"What?! You tricked us?! You're gonna regret this!" Momo was humiliated but I was burning with anger.

"Uh oh, someone doesn't look happy." Present Mic spoke in a sing song voice.

"GET OVER HERE YOU SLIMY PERVERTED LITTLE PIG! ILL DESTROY YOU!" I raged. We didn't have time to change back into our sports clothes and were forced to rejoin our groups.

"You have a temper like someone else I know." Sero joked as I stood fuming.

"Hey cool scar-" Kirishima started. I glared at him as though he were a mere bug that was about to meet my shoe. "I mean I didn't see anything."

"Come closer and draw lots to see who you're up against." Before anyone had moved Ojiro withdrew claiming he couldn't remember how he even got to where he was. Everyone tried to convince him otherwise but he was adamant about not advancing. Another student withdrew and they were both replaced by runners up. I was paired with laser loser and Ochaco was against Bakugou. To say I was worried would have been a lie. I was extremely terrified for her and I was already praying for her safety.

The novelty events began and first off they had a scavenger hunt. I chose not to participate in order to conserve my energy but someone had picked up a card that said cat and grabbed me.

"But I'm not a cat!" I cried. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me?" I was placed in a circle and pouted the entire time. "I wanna go home."

'While I'm here I may as well make some sort of plan. Laser boy can't use his quirk too long because he claims he gets a stomach ache so I'll just tire him out and deliver a final blow. He barely made it to the second round. I say he got in using pure luck. I don't think he's an opponent I really have to worry about. It's who I have to face afterward that I need to focus on. It'll either be Tokoyami or Momo. I should focus on them and devise a strategy for each of them accordingly.'

The scavenger hunt was over and midnight tallied the items. "Let's see here, where's the cat?" She asked. The person who had grabbed me pointed to me as I sat. "Another point." She ticked the sheet before her.

"Can I go now? I have places to be." I huffed. She nodded and I swished my tail angrily. As I left the field I spotted Mineta and Kaminari. They both glanced at me before blushing. "You two." I narrowed my eyes as my brows furrowed harshly. "You're about to witness my true power in the next few hours. Pay close attention. It's how you will meet your demise." I threatened them.

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