Thirty Three

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*Your POV*

We stood outside the training facility and Mr Aizawa notified us that we would be working on ultimate moves and that it would be a good time to utilise the hero support class to enhance our costumes and overall performance.

Shoto and I entered the support classroom after a few of the others had left. I hadn't any idea on what my ultimate move could involve but I knew that I needed something to help me out in combat.

"Well I've realised that my speed and endurance isn't all that great when it comes to actually capturing a villain. I was thinking of adding something like a rope to my suit so I can tie my opponent up or at least restrain them in some way."

"I have just the thing!" The pink haired girl exclaimed. "Gauntlets. Your quirk allows you to peel off a layer of metal skin right? What if you could shoot it?" She began drawing up a sketch. "We'll have one side with a thin coil of the strongest material we have and the other can act as a gun magazine. You can peel off sharp metal shards and store them inside and when you aim with it they'll shoot out like porcupine spines."

"Okay but you'll need to take into account that everything I wear has to be slim so it doesn't cause the wind to catch onto me and slow me down, it also has to be able to withstand high speeds and impact. I was thinking of something more whip like. Kinda like the one Midnight uses but also something similar to Mr Aizawa's scarf."

She grinned. "A challenge. Well now, I think you're my new favourite." She started shoving us out the door. "Come back next week, it'll be finished by then. Bye bye."

We stood dumbfounded for a moment before glancing at each other and shrugging. We started back to the dorms and Shoto made conversation.

"So have you figured anything out yet?"

I hummed before I replied. "I have some ideas but I don't actually know how to practice them. Hatsume just gave me an thought though. Do you wanna come to the dojo with me to test it out?" I asked.

"Sure." He replied curiously.

Once there I set up some targets. "Okay, build a wall of ice around yourself so you don't get hurt and just melt a hole so you can watch."

He complied and watched me through a slot. "Is this really necessary?" He asked.

"Well, if I can do it, it might take some time to actually get used to it and to be able to do it properly so I don't want you getting injured because I can't control it well enough." I spoke while looking at my arm as it turned to metal. "I know how to regrow my skin faster now after the training camp and how to peel it off. So I'm going to see if I can actually shoot shards of metal off myself, that way my hands would be free. And if I can perfect it well enough, I want it to be able to hit their pressure points and immobilise them. Until that happens I'll need a support item though. I can't always rely on close combat. Especially if my enemy uses a long ranged quirk like you do." I turned back to him with a smile.

"You've thought this through then. I'm impressed." I heard an extra voice speak and I turned to find Mr Aizawa. "But is it enough to be an ultimate move?"

"I suppose not. Not at this stage. Everyone else has such strong quirks to work with so their ultimate moves are going to be powerful. I can already see that after today's training. I just don't know how to utilise my quirk further." I said solemnly.

"You're not sounding like the usual squirt I know. C'mon (y/n). Think about your quirks and what other effects they have when you use them. Use those effects and create something brand new."

"What other effects?" I queried.

"Your speed has increased, your strength has increased, and you can now utilise your metallic body as a weapon. When you run past people what do they see? What do they feel? If you can push an enormous tree to the edge of a field from the centre, what else can you move? If you can shoot spines from your body, how will you aim them? Think about that before you come to a conclusion. You need to go big when it comes to your ultimate move. For now experimenting is a good idea but you don't have much time before your provisional exam. You're all going to need that ultimate move if you have any hope in passing." He spoke seriously to both of us.

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