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*Your POV*

Did I know that Endeavor was Shoto's father? Obviously. Did I regret the choice I made by writing his name as one of my possible hosts for the internship? Maybe a little. So why did I?

I wanted to have to opportunity to see what their relationship was actually like. It might've been a good way to get closer to Shoto. Knowing he had issues with his father, it was a gamble actually going ahead with it. I had a feeling he might be a little mad but he took it better than I'd expected.

But that wasn't the only reason. Endeavor didn't strike me as the type to show interest in others just as Shoto had said. I gathered that on my own as I remembered the way he spoke during the matches Shoto was involved in, and the opinion his own son had of him. I wanted to know; why the sudden change?

So the question is; did I end up going to my friend's father for my internship? The answer for that is no. In the end I had decided it was best to leave the matter be. I was still extremely curious about why I had caught his eye but I went with my original choice of Kamui Woods.

He was serious about his work but kind nonetheless and made sure to explain everything to me extensively. He answered all of my questions accordingly which was more than I would have expected from Endeavor. He seemed to be the evasive type though I hadn't met him.

"You can stay here at the agency. That way you won't have to travel so far to get here and waste all that time." He explained upon our return.

"Okay, thank you." I said gratefully, although internally I was crying. 'I'm not going to get any sleep here. I can't sleep in unfamiliar places. I know it's safe, there's a heap of heroes about, but it's not homey enough.'

I was shown to a temporary room and told to get some rest. I plugged my phone charger into the wall beside the bed and turned on some calming music that I usually listened to of a night. I laid under the blankets and stared at the ceiling through the darkness of the room. My phone buzzed softly once. I turned over and checked it. There was a message from Ochaco.

> how was your first day?

< it was great. He's really serious about his line of work and answers all of my questions. I'm glad I came here. How about you?

> mine was really good too. I'm getting some proper training in so I think I made the right choice.

> you're going to have trouble sleeping tonight aren't you?

< yeah but don't worry about me. I'll be fine. It's pretty late so you should get some rest for the new muscles you're gonna be building up.

> you're right. Goodnight (y/n). Try to sleep a bit yeah?

I read her last message and nodded to myself. I put my phone down and stared at the ceiling again. I tossed and turned for a few hours and checked my phone constantly for the time. A few times I thought of random questions that I usually would search for an answer but I needed to sleep so I avoided my phone.

It was around 2am before it buzzed again. I glanced at the screen. 'Todoroki? What's he doing awake right now?' I pondered curiously.

> I think you should be thankful for not choosing my father for the internship.

< Rough day huh?

> Something like that. He kept lecturing me on my cover name and how I should have been more creative. He made suggestions for new ones, his favourite being 'Endeavor 2.0'... Wait... Why are you still awake?

< I could ask you the same thing.

> We just got back. What's your excuse?

> Don't sleep well in strange environments. Endeavor 2.0 haha classic.

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