Thirty Six

390 18 0

*Your POV*

The first half of the exam had ended and our entire class passed thankfully. We turned our attention to the screen at the end of the hall as instructed, only to see the arena blowing up. A majority of the hundred that stood with us were in shock and confusion.

"Rescue..." I uttered thoughtfully.

As we watched on we could see actors that were hired to act as victims of a disaster which included fake blood and special effects makeup to make it seem more realistic.

We were informed that there was a point system that would go toward our final grading. If we met a certain number we would pass the exam, if not then we'd fail. We were given ten minutes to collect ourselves and prepare for the second part of the test. I helped myself to some of the snacks provided then stretched.

I noticed Shoto talking to the strange buff boy from the other school. The boy who'd knocked U.A. back even after being the top student to apply on recommendations.

I could sense tension between them and I didn't appreciate the way he was looking down on Shoto. My overprotectiveness kicked in and I immediately ceased what I was doing. I marched over to the pair as they'd finished speaking.

"Something wrong?" I questioned along with a hairy mop person from the same school as the other boy. The boy denies there being any issues and retreated.

"What was that about?" I raised a brow curiously. He didn't get a chance to answer as the bell rang loudly and the scenario was read out through the speaker.

The walls around us opened once again and we were told to start rescuing as many people as possible following safe procedures.

Our class headed to the nearest suburban area and we worked as team for the most part. The first victim we came across was spotted by Midoriya and apparently his reaction and words to the boy's condition wasn't quite right so we were lectured.

Once the man acting as a boy was finished Midoriya took him to a designated area for the injured. We found another person in trouble and we decided it would be best to split up and even help the other schools.

I trotted off on my own and went for a tall building that was half destroyed and I could hear a woman wailing from inside. I coated myself in metal and climbed up the cement with the claws at the tips of my fingers.

I held onto the side of the building and reached through a broken window to grab some rubble. I tossed it inside gently and listened to the echoing. That way I could determine how badly the structure was damaged and how frail it would be.

Once I ensured it was safe I entered and navigated my way to where the crying was resonating from. I made sure that as I progressed, I walked along the parts of the floor where the metal framing was underneath as it would be the strongest.

I eventually found the woman stuck in a hole in the flooring, grasping at whatever stable thing she could find. I approached calmly and assessed the weakness in the surface nearby. I smiled gently at her.

"I finally found you. What's your name?"

"My name is Samantha please help me!" She pleaded.

"Okay Samantha, I'm (y/n), I promise I'm gonna get you out of here safe and sound but before I can do that can you tell me if anything hurts?"

"My ankle hurts really bad and my arms are getting tired from holding on. I think I may be bleeding but I can't see. Please help me."

"Okay. I'm going to take this whip and have it kind of slither around you a bit like a snake. Then you're gonna feel it tighten a bit and when it does you can relax and I'll pull you up out of there."

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