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*Your POV*

I was training at the workout park on the beach on the weekend a few weeks after the exam when Ochaco came running down to me.

"(Y/n)!" She yelled excitedly. I stopped what I was doing to see why she had come. "Our test results came! I made it in to U.A.!" She exclaimed.

"Hey that's brilliant Ochaco!" I congratulated her.

"Here. I brought yours with me." She passed an envelope to me with the U.A. brand on the back.

I carefully picked the wax stamp from the bottom of section of the envelope and Ochaco ran off. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Back home. It's something for you to find out on your own. See you later." She waved with a huge smile.

"So this is it huh?" I pulled out the contents to find a letter and a small circular device. A projection popped up in front of me as I held the device and sat down in the sand.

"I am here! As a projection..." All Might began. "Congratulations (y/n) (l/n). Your score in the mock battle placed you in a tied position for first place and your written results were the highest we've ever had. We welcome you with open arms to U.A." He said happily.

"Oh wow I actually did it." I grinned. "Wait, who did I tie with?"

"Young Katsuki Bakugou. Both of you ended up with 77 villain points and zero rescue points. Well done. I look forward to teaching you at the academy." He smiled as usual. "Plus Ultra." He said heroically before the screen disappeared.

"Oh wow you got into U.A.?" Someone asked near me. "That's amazing! You must have a really strong quirk then huh?" The little boy asked.

"Uh sure." I answered and my tail flicked.

"I have a quirk too but it hasn't fully developed yet. Do you think I'll get into U.A. when I grow up?" He asked me.

"Well I'm sure if you work hard and get strong you can do anything you put your mind to. The road won't always be easy though. You'll have to face a lot of challenges but in the end you'll get what you want." I smiled softly as his eyes sparkled brightly.

"Whoa..." he grinned and ran away. "Hey mama, papa! I'm gonna make it into U.A. one day just like that girl! I'm gonna be the greatest!" They disappeared into the distance and I couldn't help but smile.

Excitement boiled inside of me as I stood. I did a little jig on the spot then punched the air. "Yeah!!" I yelled full of joy. 'I gotta get home and tell Ochaco.'

I took off at high speeds through the streets and spotted my friend a few blocks away from our home. I whizzed past her whilst trying to stop. Skidding to a halt I turned around.

"I can't believe we're going to U.A. together! This is so exciting." The corners of my mouth were stuck in a permanent smile. I enveloped my best friend in a bone crushing bear hug.

"Well done (y/n)." She laughed.

"Well done to both of us!" I cheered. "Come on Ochaco. Now that we're in we have to train even harder to become heroes and to top our classes." I said clenching my fist enthusiastically. "The competition is fierce and they won't hold back so we can't hold back either. Let's do this!" I punched the air.

People around us looked at us in confusion and steered clear. I grasped my friends hand and began dragging her back to the beach without much effort. I supposed she knew better than to resist my pumped up antics.

When we got there we sat in the sand while I typed a new training plan into my notes. One for myself and one for Ochaco which I sent to her.

"I based this around your current fitness level and your quirk. You don't really need to do a lot of strength trying but rather you need to work on your stamina. That way you won't have to puke after using your powers too much. You can start off with this regime which will is basically beginners level then you can move on to this one when you get even better." I continued to ramble on as I explained it all to her. "Alriiight! Let's do this!"

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