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The next day came around like my softball pitch. Fast. It turned out that U.A. wasn't all about hero preparation and not every class was physically based. We participated in regular subjects like English and maths of a morning.

"Now, which of these four sentences contains a mistake?" Present Mic asked as we sat in our English class. While most complained it was boring my hand shot straight up. "(Y/n)."

"That and all in the last sentence are in the wrong order. Sorry but might I ask if this is the highest level we will be studying? That question was mind boggling in the sense of how simple it was." Everyone turned their attention to me, some glaring and some confused. "What?" I shrugged.

"Nerd." I heard Bakugou grumble.

"Now here's someone who gets it. Hey everybody look alive! Grammar rules!" Present Mic cheered.

At my last school I was the top of all my classes academically. I sometimes forgot that things that were obvious to me, weren't always so easy for others. I wasn't ashamed of my intelligence at all in fact I aspired to expand my knowledge in order to become a better hero.

Ochaco often asked for help with school work and I'd taken it upon myself to tutor her in things she didn't understand until she nailed it like myself.

After class we sat for lunch in the cafeteria. They others had rice while I ordered a bowl of ramen. The broccoli boy, who I had learned to be Izuku Midoriya, was fawning over the chef.

"Stop weirding our and eat before the food gets cold." I laughed. He immediately began digging into his lunch. I took my own advice and devoured my ramen in mere moments. The two boys looked at me in shock which Ochaco continued enjoying her rice. "Ahh, that was delicious." I said happily.

Later on we finally got to our basic training class.

"I am here!" There was a loud voice from the hall way. "Coming through the door like a hero!" A very familiar face appeared as the door slid open. The most popular, not to mention powerful, hero All Might stood in our classroom.

Many excited murmurs erupted among my classmates. He proceeded to welcome us to his class. He pulled out a card labeled 'battle' after a short introduction to the subject. He then pointed to some slots in the wall that ejected automatically. They were all numbered and we were informed that they were the costumes we'd requested based on our quirks. Our instructions were to change quickly and meet him at one of the training grounds.

I held my folded costume in my arms. I heard Bakugou scoff behind me. "Spots?"

I scowled at him. We weren't going to get along at all so I did what any rational person would do. I retaliated. "Go suck a fart you dropkick." I growled. It didn't look like much folded up but once I had it on it'd make more sense.

"What the fuck'd you say?!" He yelled angrily while others snickered at my comment.

"I said; suck a fart you dropkick. I'd gladly say it more harshly if you so desire." I sassed. He growled and All Might stuck his head in telling us to hurry up. I went with the girls to the female locker room and got into my suit. It was made out of a special material so that my speed wouldn't burn holes into it.

It was also like a layer of skin. While I didn't really want it to be I felt it would allow me to glide more smoothly without any extra baggage that would create wind drag. There was a hole in the back for my tail and a zipper. I struggled to reach it when it got to the middle of my back and ended up grunting as I fumbled around in an attempt to grab it. I eventually gave up.

"Ochaco!" I called out in distress. "Help meee." She came running over to the area I'd secluded myself in. I didn't want to change in front of the others due to some very visible scars I had. I was a little insecure about them and I didn't want anyone to ask questions.

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