Thirty Seven

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*Your POV*

'Poking... who the hell is poking me?!' My eyes shot open, an evil glow emanating as they darted around looking for the source of the annoyance. 'Kaminari'. They narrowed.

"What?!" I snapped, glaring at the blond.

"It's morning." I could hear Bakugou and a vacuum. 'Make that two... why are there two vacuums?'

"Yes and if you don't get up now both of you will be late." Iida chimed in.

"Both of you?" I muttered. I looked around properly to see a majority of our classmates staring at myself along with Shoto who was still asleep on me. They all awkwardly left us and I woke Shoto. He sat up flustered after I explained what happened.

"Sorry about that." He mumbled. I shrugged. I wasn't bothered by any of it except for being woken up.

I stood up and stretched my back. "Wait... why are both of you vacuuming?" I looked between Midoriya and Bakugou, baffled.

"Kachan and I are under house arrest after fighting after curfew last night." Midoriya answered.

"Oh." I yawned. "Well have fun with that. Hey Bakugou?"

"What?" He growled.

"You missed a spot." I chuckled and wandered off to my room to get ready for the second semester. Once I was ready I found Shoto waiting for me and we caught up to the rest of the class. We had an orientation before classes started where the principal addressed the changes in our community which affected us as hero students.

Once we got to class we had questions about some of the things that were said in the orientation including something about hero work studies which was supposed to be some sort of extra curricular done outside of school. Mr Aizawa told us he'd go into more detail in a few days when our whole class was back so we waited eagerly for those days to pass.

A lot of the girls hassled me over finding Shoto and I on the couch this morning. I hadn't heard if anyone had said anything to him about it but I assumed mineta at least would have.

They weren't the only ones though. After our first class Mr Aizawa asked to speak to us. Apparently he spotted us when he raced out to deal with Midoriya and Bakugou.

"As you know we constructed the dorms based on trust that male and female students can resist urges to-"

"Wait what?!" I covered my ears. "Gah that's not what happened!" I blushed from embarrassment. "Geez we just talked for too long and fell asleep on the couch!"

"Really?" He asked hopefully. We both nodded profusely. "Thank god for that. That's not my area I didn't want to have to talk about it. Okay off you go." He shooed us to go back to class.

"Wait that's it?" Shoto asked. "You're not going to punish us?"

Mr Aizawa stood and pondered momentarily. "Todoroki I'll see you in detention this afternoon. You're free to go pipsqueak." He walked down the hallway.

I shrugged. "Can't complain there."

"That's not fair. You can't tell me there's no favouritism here." Shoto pouted as we opened the door.

"Hey it's not my fault." I giggled.

When the day was over Ochaco pulled me aside in the common room and asked if she could speak with me privately. We went to my room and sat together on my floral balcony.

"So what's up?" I asked.


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