Twenty One

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*Your POV*

I didn't sleep a wink that night. I got up a few times to wander around the hospital, taking a walk to the bathroom and back. A few times I went and sat in the lounge they had set up. I watched the news but not much had been reported yet. Though I noted the one report when a helicopter was flying over the place and they spotted to figures on a water tank. I immediately recognised them and returned to the room.

"Oh hey (l/n). How's your tail?" Midoriya asked.

"Never mind that right now take a look at this. I saw it on the tele in the lounge so I searched it up on the way back to show you guys. Look who it is." I said turning my screen around to the boys. "It's hand dude and fog guy from the league of villains. Obviously we knew there was some sort of connection considering the Nomus but they were literally standing by and watching the chaos unfold. Those assholes!" I growled.

'If I'm right and they are somehow connected then with such a high ranked criminal being taken down the league of villains are probably going to get a lot of attention from the wrong people if they start assuming they were working together. They'll see them as more than a bunch of nobodies who attacked our class and something more formidable. They'll probably gain more followers.'

"You know (l/n), I never realised you have a such potty mouth. You're just as bad as Kacchan on a good day." Midoriya chuckled.

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. Ochaco is usually with me and warns me to watch it because she doesn't like it. I don't like it either but sometimes it can't be helped." I said as I plonked down on my bed. "So did you guys sleep at all?"

"Not really, no." They answered.

The door opened and three of four of our supervisors walked in. It wasn't hard to guess who didn't show.

"Oh, so the injured youngsters are awake." The old man said.

"Grand Torino!" Midoriya smiled.

The old man was about to chew him out before he stopped himself saying that someone wanted to speak to us. A giant dog man stepped in the door and I threw myself off the bed, hiding so that only the top of my head was visible.

"This is Hosu's chief of police." Grand Torino introduced. The others stood out of respect but I didn't move. Midoriya went to stand but was urged to stay seated.

"(L/n), why are you hiding there?" Kamui Woods asked.

"Well... I'm used to dogs who don't seem to like me very much so I think I'll just stay here if it's not too much trouble." I mumbled out.

"So you're the U.A. students who brought down the hero killer huh?" He questioned. "Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard woof." He stated. I flinched slightly. He went on to explain the origin of licensed heroes when quirks first came into being and that it was the certification that allowed heroes to use their quirks for such tasks. He basically said that we'd broken the law and it sounded like we were going to get in some serious trouble for it. "None of you have the authority to harm the villain. That means the four of you and your supervisors are sure to receive harsh punishments for this for this gross abuse of your powers." He said.

This angered me and Shoto visibly. "Now wait a minute. If Iida had not stepped in Native would have been murdered." He began to question the logic of the giant man-dog. "Are you saying we should have just stood by and watched people die?!"

"So it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?" The policeman asked provocatively.

I stood up and anger radiated from my body. "So you mean to tell me, though we had not much of an idea of what was happening, we should have just stood there and be killed ourselves as we watched our friends die before us, that we should have taken no action to protect ourselves or our comrades? Allow such a vile villain who has committed countless crimes get away? We can't break one law to stop a man who has broken multiple and become a serial killer? A wise person in my life once told me that to go forward we must go back and that can be interpreted in many different forms, in this instance; we took a detour in the wrong direction to do something right, something that's possibly prevented many more future deaths and injuries. So tell me, do you get a kick out of punishing a bunch of kids who merely acted on the righteous morals they were taught not to ignore?"

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