Twenty Three

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*Your POV*

"Can you fight?" I asked him simply.

He watched me with utter confusion on his face. "Without my quirk, probably not as well as I should be able to." He admitted.

I folded my arms. "As I somewhat anticipated." I mumbled. "I'm going to show you a few things. Obviously we don't have time to go over every martial arts move that I know so I'll teach you ways in which you can detain the opponent but first, try to hit me." I instructed.

"(Y/n), I'm not going to hit you."

I smirked. "I know, that's why I said try." He got into an amateurish stance. "That's your first problem. Let's try a Muay Thai stance. This is good when you're up close to your opponent." I began explaining as I moved his hands and showed him how to position his legs. "Your back doesn't need to be straight. Slouch slightly but enough so that your shoulders are still strong. In this position you can easily use your elbows if need be and use various kicks to keep the opposition away, especially if they're bigger than you. Now try to punch me." I ordered. He complied with an expected right hand. I grabbed his wrist with my right hand. "Pay close attention." I said as I brought his hand backwards and stepped behind him swiftly. My left hand passed over his right shoulder as I grasped his neck. "Turn and look at the reflection in the windows. This is one possible way to seriously maim your rival with one swift movement. I can now bring my left knee up and knee you in the lower back which can result in slipped discs, possible nerve damage and just overall pain - depending on how hard you kick. At the same time, I can dislocate your shoulder. Or I could kick your legs from under you. This also prevents your rival from trying to escape as you have a dangerous hold on the neck." I let him go. "When you kick, you want to use your whole body to create more force especially when facing someone bigger and stronger than you."

I showed him how to kick and I instructed him to perform the previous hold I had shown him. It took a few times before he actually got it but I didn't mind. It finally came to our turn.

We went to our designated arena of sorts and when I got there... "Houses... lots and lots of houses." I muttered. "This could be an advantage. If we get too separated and our plan flunks we might need to regroup. We should take refuge in any green houses we might see. Does that sound like a good code?" I asked.

"Definitely." He nodded.

"Great. I think we should head toward the gate for now. He'll expect us to fight but he'll be waiting in that direction."

"Hold still a moment." He said as he clipped the cuffs onto my belt. "I'll hold onto these and create a path of ice while you run. That way I can easily keep up with you."

"Right." I nodded. "Ready?"


I took off quickly and could feel chilly air at my back. 'Crap, I forgot the cold slows me down a little. No matter. I'll just push myself even harder.'

We zoomed through the make shift streets and toward the area where the gate was. I suddenly felt myself slowing down dramatically. I glanced around our area and spotted our teacher standing on top of a pole.

"This is it. You try and avoid his gaze and I'll try my best to go in and cuff him as a distraction." He shot his scarf at us and I pushed Shoto into a bush before running slowly ahead. I evaded the material as best I could.

"You pushed your partner into a bush? Come on (l/n), don't tell me this is your plan." He taunted.

'I need to utilise my environment and take Mr Aizawa's weaknesses into account. He stated that his quirk isn't as good as it was prior the attack, that his time limit has decreased. I'll just keep running until he blinks. Then I can pounce in and cuff him.'

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