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*Todoroki's POV*

I watched as (y/n) pounced at Bakugou. She looked like she was ready to kill him. I remembered what she's said to me. I could tell she didn't want to hurt anyone and I expected Bakugou was included in that. I didn't want her to live with something like that so I called out to her after running to the front of the stands.

Her head turned way too fast and her red eyes locked on me. Her face seemed to soften and I noticed the crimson glowing fade. I had only intended to distract her long enough for Bakugou to escape his position or land a hit to save himself but she'd completely snapped out of the trance she was in.

There was an explosion and I saw the girl flying backward. She got up and simply stood motionless as he came for vengeance. It sounded like a war zone down there and there was too much smoke to see what was going on. It cleared and I could see (y/n) just barely holding herself up. Her clothes were in tatters. Her sooty shirt was almost completely burnt and there were holes in her trousers. You could see scars littered across her back from the lacking in clothing.

Bakugou jumped through the smoke and with a final blow he sent her flying into one of the pillars right near the box where Present Mic and Mr Aizawa were located. She fell and landed in a heap of rubble that had been scattered across the arena during their fight.

"(L/n) is out of bounds and knocked out! Bakugou is the winner and will move onto the final against Todoroki." Midnight announced. He sent a glare my way and I returned it before running off.

"Alrighty then. Let's take a break to fix up this mess of an arena and for the final competitors to recover. I'm sure they'll be needing it."

I made my way toward the infirmary and got there just as they were taking her in. Up close it was even more obvious how battered she was. Her eyes were closed and there was blood trailing from her mouth.

"Oh dear. This poor girl." Recovery girl said. "Her injuries are the worst I've seen besides young Midoriya's." She noticed my presence. "Are you her friend?" She asked me and I nodded firmly. "She'll be alright. Now off you go. Give her a little privacy." She ushered me out. I sighed and went on to sit in the waiting room.

While there I moulded over everything. Midoriya's foolishness. My mother and her words. (Y/n). I was broken out of the staring contest I was in with my hand when the door was kicked in. I looked over to see Bakugou.

"Hey what the hell are you doing in here? This is my space to - ah crap, this is waiting room number two?" He grumbled. I simply turned away from him which he didn't seem to like very much. "Alright fine so I may have walked into the wrong room. But don't think that means I'm not gonna be on top of my game you got that?" He placed his hand on the table and it went off like fireworks. "You better bring all you've got to this icy/hot!" He yelled.

"Midoriya..." I started.


"He said the same thing. That fool. Instead of trying to win the match himself he focused on breaking my walls. You guys were childhood friends right? Was he like that when you were kids? So helpful?" I asked.

"What does he have to do with any of this?" He questioned gruffly before kicking the table away. "It's all between you and me now. Focus on the match! That's the only thing I give a damn about. Whatever your family problems are, whatever you're feeling, none of that crap matters just make sure you don't hold back! Use your flames on me! I want everyone to know I beat you at your best." He said before walking out like an imp.

'I'll use what I can to win but I still refuse to use my fire.'

*Your POV*

I woke up in a white room and looked to the side to see recovery girl. "Ah you're finally awake. You were in quite a state." She smiled.

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