Twenty Five

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*Todoroki's POV*

Someone had taken (y/n)'s gloves. I knew why she was so upset. She didn't want to reveal whatever laid beneath them. The question was; who did it and with what purpose? Once she had disappeared I turned to the others.

"So who did it?" I asked.

"Nobody took those stupid gloves you damn bastard. If they had they would have wussied out and offered them back to her like a sacrifice to a demon." Bakugou grumbled.

"You're awfully defensive there. It's almost like you're hiding something." I prodded suspiciously. He growled and went to argue back until Iida stepped between us.

"Now let's not go throwing accusations around. It's obvious the gloves are her most treasured possessions though none of us may understand why. I only hope that whoever did take them finds it in their heart to do the right thing. We should start heading in now anyway. It's getting late and we have an early start in the morning."

Everyone began leaving and I furrowed my brows. I got dressed and went off to find (y/n). I knocked on the girls door. The person I had been looking for answered it with a different glove on her hand.

"Shoto." She said curtly. She noticed my gaze was directed at her wrist. "Momo kindly made a singular glove for the meantime. If you're here then you best have some information." She said dangerously.

"You don't scare me (y/n)." I smirked. I grabbed her bare hand and pulled her out of the cabin. "Let's go find them. We'll look around the hot spring and if we don't find them we'll report it to Mr Aizawa." She nodded with a pout.

We began searching around the place where she had them and found nothing. Mr Aizawa came and found us and asked what we were doing and why we weren't in bed. (Y/n) explained what had happened and he let us continue.

It wasn't long before we heard voices inside. "C'mon Bakugou, why'd you drag us out here? We should be in bed." Kirishima spoke. Sero was heard agreeing with him.

"Shut up you damn nerds. Look what I snagged." He spoke cockily.

"Oh. My. God." Kirishima said in shock.

"You're the one who stole (l/n)'s gloves?! Dude we're going to seriously die if you don't return them!" The fear in Sero's voice was audible.

I looked to see (y/n) glaring through the wall. I could see her quivering in pure rage. She had a temper that was sure. She wasn't constantly angry like Bakugou but when she did get pissed off, everyone would cower.

"That's right."

"What are you doing?" Sero asked.

"What's it look like? I'm putting them on. I don't see what the big deal is about these. They don't feel special so why is it that they never tear or anything?" He asked sceptically.

She walked silently over to the door and threw it open. I quickly followed after her. The three had frozen in place and I wondered how Bakugou would fair in her wrath. Her left hand balled and she threw a quick punch to his face. He fell backward and the other two stepped away fearfully. She walked over to him and placed her foot on his chest before seizing her missing items from him.

"Disgusting. It's covered in your sweat and germs." She grumbled before walking back to the hot spring.

"I'm surprised that's all you let him get away with." I admitted as she pulled the temporary glove off, revealing what she tried so hard to conceal. It was a bite mark. Though it wasn't a clean line. It was rugged, as though whatever it was from had torn its teeth out of the flesh.

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