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*Your POV*

I was shaken awake and sat up in a disoriented state. "Come on (y/n), we're back at school." Ochaco said right in my face.

I groaned in pain as I stood up. "I don't like hurting." I whined. "Huh?" I looked to see a giant cat in police uniform. I rubbed my tired eyes. "Are my eyes deceiving me or is there an actual cat?"

"I know right. Look at the bell. You should totally get one (y/n)." Mina laughed.

"But my quirk is cheetah based. Not cat based..." I looked at the sky to see the sun setting. "HOLY CRAP WHAT'S THE TIME?!" I asked in a panic.

"Relax (y/n)." I simply stared limply as my soul left my body. "I texted your boss to let her know -roughly- what happened. She's given you the entire weekend off. Check your phone." Ochaco said.

My soul returned. "Oh god you're possibly the bestest person in the whole entire world." I said hugging her tightly.

"Bestest isn't a word." Ochaco laughed.

"I don't care." I grinned.

*Todoroki's POV*

I watched the girl hug her friend in relief. What she had said earlier was true. It wasn't like me at all to pry into the lives of others but I was just so drawn to her, it was unexplainable. I wanted to know more.

She was so different to everyone else I'd ever met. She didn't ask about my scar straight away. She had an impressive quirk but didn't think that much of it. She hardly acknowledged the real potential she had.

She was always surprisingly calm and friendly towards everyone, even myself. She was always making jokes and using corny puns. She praised everyone and encouraged them all trying to spread her positivity.

The fact that Asui claimed it was like she was a different person when she came out of the forest was interesting.

Her gloved hands were odd. She didn't even remove them when she was in her work uniform. They seemed to be the only thing she didn't wear through at all.

How was her intuition so impeccable? How did she analyse and notice even such small details so quickly? She was so intelligent. She was so strong. What state was she in before she got healthy according to Uraraka?

What was her story? Would I ever find out? I desperately hoped so though I still couldn't comprehend why.

"(L/n) huh Todoroki?" I glanced to see Kirishima. "Well I can't say I blame you. She's the perfect combination of bad ass, adorable and hot." He grinned as he held his hands behind his head. "Though I didn't pick her to be your type."

'Ah, I see. He thinks I like her.' I remained cold. "It's not like that I just find her character to be very curious and believe that she has a lot of hidden depths." I explained.

"Yeah but so does everyone else." He shrugged. "She is pretty amazing though. Her speed is like wow. She's strong too. She took Aizawa back to the school lickety split. Did you see how many bad guys she took down. Some of them were on the news not too long ago. You look at her now and wonder how she could ever deal out so much damage to such a large group. I mean especially with that shirt on, it's way too big on her. It's adorable."

"Quit bugging me and go and kiss her already." I responded harshly. He looked at me with wide eyes and sidled away awkwardly. I noticed him appear next to (l/n).

"Hey (l/n)!"

"Oh hey Kirishima." She turned her head and greeted him cheerfully.

"You were amazing out there today. I can't believe you took down so many people on your own. What section did you get teleported to?"

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