Thirty Four

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*Todoroki's POV*

The reporter watched us even as we walked away. I knew he had brought back memories (y/n) didn't want to remember and he had upset her. All I intended to do was comfort her when I hugged her but the reporter saw it as an opportunity and photographed us. I didn't think much of it at the time but I'd later regret it.

We continued on and made our way to my home. As soon as we walked in the door Fuyumi pulled me into one of her bone crushing hugs, followed by (y/n).

She managed to lift her hand up to her squished face and whispered loudly. "I think she likes me." It made me smile despite the incident that had just occurred.

"I'm so happy I finally get to meet you (y/n)!" My older sister cheered. "Come and sit down. Tell me about yourself, that is if you can find something to talk about that Shoto hasn't already." She giggled.

(Y/n) blushed with a nervous laugh. "Well what do you want to know?" I watched as the two girls conversed for a while until (y/n) did what she usually would, include me. Although I was happy just to sit and watch the two bond, I enjoyed opening up more to my sister.

At one stage (y/n) told my sister a funny story and I ended up chuckling and my sister stared at me in awe.

"That's the first time I've ever heard you laugh Shoto." Her tone was full of surprise.

My father finally entered once Fuyumi finished serving dinner to us and my mood instantly plummeted.

"Nice to see that you could join us (l/n)." He said gruffly.

"Thank you for welcoming me into your home Mr Todoroki." She said with a calm smile. He seemed surprised by the name she had called him by, which she picked up on. "Or would you prefer me to call you Endeavour?"

"Either is fine." He replied as he took his place at the head of the table. "Shoto tells me he loves you. He says I wouldn't know what love is. Did you know this?" He asked as he took his portion and began twisting the noodles with his chop sticks.

She nodded. "Yes sir."

"You realise that love is a weakness in any person, much more a hero don't you?" He spoke after finishing what was in his mouth.

I had yet to touch my food and Fuyumi was on the verge of stopping. We both knew something was about to happen and though the hair on (y/n)'s tail stood on end, she remained composed.

"Sure it is. Any number of things can happen. It's wether or not you allow that idea to affect your decisions that differs the best heroes from the worst."

"I'm glad you see my point. So do you intend on being one of the best heroes or one of the worst?"

"To understand what a good hero and a bad hero is you need to compare them in situations. An example is competition for the number one rank. The worst being the ones who choose to give up their own happiness to reach number one and ultimately fail. The best heroes have support from friends and family and gladly share the spotlight while maintaining their own happiness which in the long run brings joy to civilians. They aren't greedy. They do their job for others benefits, not just their own. That's how they reach the top. They take down the bad guys and ensure the innocent are okay. They don't abuse the innocent and they don't scare away their fans. They are humbled by the praise they're given, they don't grow egotistical."

Her snide remark took us all by shock. Even my father was unsure of how to respond. (Y/n) simply ate the food in front of her in the silence, her eyes shut in contempt. She was bold.

"To answer your question. I intend to be one of the best, with Shoto by my side along with my friends. I don't care if I'm number one or number ten. All that matters is that I get to help people and my comrades are included in that." I couldn't help but smile at her words. She finally looked up with a smirk. "You might notice that my values are more noble than some people's."

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