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*Your POV*

Shoto kindly paid for the lunch even though I insisted it was unnecessary. Afterward we went for a walk along the beach. In our privacy, he tried to find out what had been bugging me.

"Please just leave it alone Shoto." I requested meekly as I held my arm.

"I don't know what happened when you and Bakugou were taken but he knows something about you that I don't. Something serious. I have to admit I'm jealous. I don't like the fact that he knows something on such a personal level and I don't like that you've shut me or your family out. It's very out of character. I miss you. I miss the (y/n) who would smile through anything even when she was upset. I miss the girl who brought me out of my shell and treated me with such kindness, who accepted me for who I am as a whole. I miss the cute grins and the mischievous smirks. Please tell me what is wrong. I don't like seeing you so anxious and upset."

We walked a little further in silence before I halted and looked out at the ocean.

"The fact that I was kidnapped by them isn't the problem. Nor is it that he tried to get me to join them. That was just annoying and he wouldn't shut up. It's who else was there and a piece of key information that he shared with me about my past. I wasn't scared when we were taken. I have an issue with being restrained due to my childhood but that was all until-" I paused with a sigh and sat down, holding my knees close to my chest. "Those twins were there. Their voices were enough to send me into a frenzy. And then Shigaraki told me he was my father. I was sceptical but I had a DNA test using the blood they had on record after their first attack. Bet you can guess the results." I leaned back in the sand and held my pounding head. "With your daddy." I frowned. "Those words keep playing over and over and it's driving me batty. Then there's 'it's in your bloodline'. Boy did I give him an earful. I declared him my nemesis. What kind of person watches their own kid go through all of that? He knew where I was but he didn't do anything because I was too young and I needed to learn that nobody's there to save me." I said aggressively. "What rubbish. You know he was probably watching when I obtained all of these horrible scars. But he's a villain. Why would anyone expect any less? He's the scum of the earth and it disgusts me to know that I'm related to such a vile individual."

"(Y/n)." He said my name gently as he sat down with me.

"When I first got home I didn't want to tell anyone. I still don't. I didn't want them to think any less of me because of where I came from. I didn't want anyone to despise me. I'm nothing like him."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he brought me closer. "Nobody is going to hate you. You made a choice to be a hero. He chose to be a villain. You've done nothing wrong. You can't control your biological origins. Mr and Mrs Uraraka are your parents. They raised you with everything he never gave you and they love you for who you are. I don't care if your father is a psycho criminal. You're an angel and even if Lucifer was your father I wouldn't love you any less." I blushed deeply at his words and looked at his serious face. "We'll take him down one day and make him pay for everything he's done. Specifically, all the pain he has initially inflicted upon you. Nobody who harms you will get away with it."

I looked away from him. "Damn Shoto." I chuckled. "I really wasn't prepared to hear something like that out of you." As if he had realised what he'd said he looked away bashfully. "You act cold and tough but deep down you're like a big squishy panda."

"You think I'm cold?" He asked me with slight disappointment.

"Not anymore. As I'd expected, you did take a while to warm up to me. Others still say that though. They just don't know you enough like I do, that's all." A content smile played on my lips as I drew shapes in the sand and listened to the calming sound of waves crashing. I thought about how to convey the same emotions that he had without being so awkward. In the end I just decided to go ahead and say it. "Hey."

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