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*Your POV*

We returned back to our classroom once the ceremony was over. Bakugou still had his mouth clamped shut on the on the ribbon the medal hung from. He was quivering with pure rage.

"Nice work." Mr Aizawa commended us. "You have the next two days of school off to recuperate. I'm sure the pros who watched the festival will want to recruit some of you. We'll look after the draft forms and update you when you return. Get some rest. You still have a lot of training."

"Yes sir." We replied in sync. We all got up from our seat and prepared to go home after the long day. I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I winced.

"Are you alright there (y/n)?" Ochaco asked.

"Sure. I'll see you in week or so yeah?" I responded as I made my way out of the school slowly.

"You're not gonna come home and get anything first?" She queried.

"No, my master has everything I'll need." I turned back with a smile.

She nodded. "Take care of yourself."

I hobbled down the hallways deep in thought until I felt the sudden weight of my bag disappear. I looked to see Shoto.

"Let me carry that for you."

I pouted a little. "Thanks but you don't need to do that. Besides I'm not taking the same route today."

He lifted a brow at me. "What way are you going then?"

"Far out of your way. Very far." I answered. "I decided to go see my master. I'm going to stay there for a while." I elaborated, then muttered to myself. "I never should have stopped taking his classes."

He nodded in understanding. "I'm still going to carry this to the station for you. What kind of friend would I be otherwise?" I sighed but smiled anyway.

"Ugh I'm so tired. I can't believe I got so busted up by Bakugou." I yawned and carefully made my way down some stairs. I suddenly chuckled remembering the award ceremony. "Did you see his face? He was so mad."

I heard a growl behind us. "Stupid cat! Stupid half-half! I'll destroy you one day! Just you watch! Both of you! Don't think I didn't notice you suddenly give in you damn cat! I want a real fight."

I blinked. "You noticed and you still destroyed my clothes and my body and my pride?!" I seethed. "You better watch your back when I return because I'll be chewing on it! You got that?" I called out as he pushed past us. "Argh I hate him even more now he really is insane. What kind of hero goes apeshit on someone who's already given in? Grrrr. If I didn't need this crutch I'd break it over his head." I raged.

"If I'd known this I wouldn't have held back in the final." Shoto frowned. "It's my fault to begin with."

"Nah." I sighed. "You called me out of a dangerous hypnotic state. You basically saved that losers life. Thanks for that by the way." My head was pounding so I lifted my free hand to it. "That's why I'm going you see. My master helped me get a handle on it before so he must be able to again. He's a sort of guru in that way I suppose. He's really old and wise just like someone you'd find in a cartoon. He's really nice and caring as well. In fact he's probably helped me through most of my problems in the last few years."

"Maybe I can meet him one day." Shoto spoke and his words surprised me.

I grinned. "He'd probably like you because you're so reserved and strong. He runs a martial arts dojo in a small town just over yonder." I pointed. "His wife manages a hot spring right next door and people go to her when they have injuries. She has a quirk that allows her to use the water to heal people. It's a good thing I'm going right now huh?"

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