Thirty Five

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*Your POV*

The following morning I had asked Shoto what he dreamt about that had him in such a state but he refused to answer. I made my way to the support tech lab to retrieve my support item.

As soon as I stepped in the door the pink haired girl gave me rather intimidating smirk.

"I've been waiting for you." She grabbed a briefcase and sat it on the desk and began speaking before opening it. "I went in search of some parts to use on things when I stumbled across some metal shards poking out of a dummy. I assumed they're from you so I harvested them and did a bit of research. The metal actually has a bunch of molecules similar to those of a humans muscle and so I've come to a conclusion that you can in fact control the metal you peel off. However it's only for a short amount of time. The molecules ended up disappearing completely after a few hours. So I got thinking how can I preserve them." She continued on using a bunch of scientific terms and derailed the conversation a few times before she finally opened the briefcase. "Tada! This whip has been made from a flexible metal containing your replicated genes and enhanced so that it's a much stronger material and the molecules last forever meaning you can control this baby as though it's an extra limb. I've also made this lightweight holder that goes over your hip. I figured this would be the best place to put it so it wouldn't affect your mobility much and it's way to access. The handle grows and shrinks so you can put it back in its holder."

"Wow. So how would I control it?" I asked in wonder as I took it in my hand. The handle had a green rubber grip on it and the metal was the same colour as my iron skin. The end of the plaited metal had two tassels while the end of the handle had a loop for my hand to go through.

"Try to think about how you control your skin to do what it does and focus that onto the whip. Try it out!" She said excitedly.

I concentrated on it and it flicked up in the air. "This is so cool. I can't wait to try it out in class. Which I should get to."

"Enjoy!" She called out as I trotted off down the hallways.

Once at the training hall I asked Ectoplasm to create clones so that I could practise with my new support item. I practised wrapping it around my opponent from a fair distance away and having them fall at my feet when I got an idea.

'If I can't run in circles fast enough or long enough to create a tornado perhaps with this I can.'

I then stopped momentarily and held the whip high up as I started spinning it like a helicopter, yet faster. Sure enough, a whirl wind formed, getting bigger and stronger by the millisecond. I brought the whip down quickly and it was forced forward, sweeping Ectoplasm's clone up as it headed straight for him. It spat him back out and I used my whip to grab him from the air and yanked him back down to the ground.

"Oh my god I love this thing." I cheered to myself as I jigged in excitement. I kept practising what I had done until it became stronger and faster. Each time I brought the whip down it would crack, loudly. I was having so much fun with it that I forgot I was in class until Mr Aizawa told us the day was over.

"You've finally figured it out squirt. Well done." He praised me as I left with the rest of the class and I beamed brightly.

I found Shoto and I couldn't stop smiling. "How did you do today?" I asked him.

"I'm getting there. I see you've got yours down packed. I was watching you for a bit there."

"Yeah but it needs to be bigger and stronger." I said determinedly. "Once we nail our super moves, we'll definitely nail our provisional exam!" I grinned with my thumb up.

"No doubt." He replied.

"Hey (y/n)!" Ochaco ran up to my side. "You got a support item too?"

"Yeah and I can control it like it's another arm it's so cool!" I couldn't contain my excitement.

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