Thirty Two

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*But first; a short announcement*

I know I've made like a ton of spelling mistakes and autocorrect mistakes so I'm gonna go back and fix them eventually but just know that they were made mostly bc my active brain hours are like 3am to 4am and that's why. I'm not usually like that. I can spell. Promise.

*Your POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and rubbed my eyes as I switched it off. I held up the teddy I'd been gifted and stared at it drowsily.

"Are you like a magic bear or something?" I pondered quietly. I had fallen asleep with it held close to my chest rather early the evening prior and had seemingly slept through the night undisturbed.

I proceeded to get up and went downstairs for breakfast. A few of my classmates were already sitting around or eating breakfast while a few others were probably still asleep. I spied Shoto in the kitchen making his own breakfast.

I sneaked up behind him and wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders and spoke quietly with a smile. "Thank you."

He was surprised by the sudden contact but upon hearing me he had calmed down. I released him and went about preparing something myself. I cut up some fruit and threw in some mixed nuts before pouring yoghurt on top. I sat at the table opposite Shoto.

"So it helped?" He queried.

I nodded. "I slept like a panda."

He gave a small grin. "I'm glad. So are you planning a big day today?" He spoke gesturing to my bowl.

"Yep. I figure I've sulked about in this place long enough. It's time to knuckle down on training again." I beamed with a thumb up. "We've all kinda slacked off while getting settled in here. We should all go to the gym or the pool together." I said turning my attention to the others at the table.

Midoriya, Iida and Ochaco agreed. Once everyone else was awake we had everyone gather on the green lounges and proposed the idea. Bakugou was reluctant but I managed to get him to come along with us.

"Come on Bakugou. Let's get stronger so we can beat those league of villain losers to a pulp next time!" I cheered with a fist clenched.

"Let's do this." He said gruffly with his signature, wide smirk as he cracked his knuckles.

We all got ready and headed out to the gym. We chattered among each other as we walked the streets in our large group. We turned the heads of a few people along the way but weren't bothered by them to too much of an extent.

When we got there we split up to different areas and equipment and got to it. A few of the girls started out with exercises that didn't require any machinery, like squats. Of course this had Mineta distracted so me being me, quickly scared him into an intense workout on the chin up bar.

I was with Ochaco on a mat as we did sit ups together. I was impressed by how far she had gotten on a physical level so I encouraged her to keep going even when she was exhausted. She wasn't the only one. I was busy cheering everyone on depending on what I was doing. At one stage Midoriya said I was like a personal trainer.

"Nah, I'm always like this." I grinned.

"Yup, that's Positivity for you. I'm glad you're feeling better now (y/n)." Ochaco spoke with a gentle smile.

"Me too." I said giving her a hug. "Sorry I shut you out. Your parents too."

"It's alright (y/n), you don't need to apologise." She said quietly. "But they're our parents, don't forget that."

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