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*Your POV*

I woke up with the soft glow of the sun that poured through the open window. I could hear birds chirping in the trees in the garden and the flow of the old water fountain. I sat up with a pained groan then breathed in the crisp air. Every muscle in my body felt strained. It was even worse than the day after the villain infiltration.

I brushed the sleep out of my eyes before struggling to stand up. I fumbled with my robes and pulled them on then limped out of my room. I wandered out into the dojo to be met with a rather large class and my master.

"Good morning (y/n). By the looks of that bed hair I'd say you slept well."

I reached a hand up and patted strands of silver locks down with a sheepish grin. "Yeah, that's the longest I've slept in ages." I admitted.

"Class, this is my most successful and strongest student." My master introduced me. They bowed and I nodded my head in response. It wasn't out of disrespect, rather I was physically unable to return the gesture at that time. "Pop over to hot springs. Hanako has prepared her station for you already."

I nodded and continued outside. I left through the back door and passed through the gardens that joined the two properties. I walked through the sliding door and was met by the elderly woman. She showed me to the pool she used to heal people.

She carefully assisted in removing the many bandages from my body. She gave me a few moments to myself to put a towel on and slide into the naturally heated water. The warmth instantly seemed to soothe my sores. She came back and started using her quirk to mend my body and return it to its original state.

"I see Recovery Girl worked her magic on you." She commented as I relaxed with my eyes shut.

"You know her?" I asked a little surprised.

She nodded. "We were once part of the same agency before I got married. We were good friends but I eventually lost touch."

"I see." I hummed quietly. The session went for quite some time before she stopped. "Alright You should be back to normal now. Do you feel any pain?"

I moved my body and joints. "Nope. I feel perfectly fine." I grinned. "Thank you."

She pulled pile of clean clothes from the bench nearby. "Good. Now you can go and join the class." She said as she held out the clothes and a dry towel. I stood and took them gratefully from her small wrinkled hands.

I dried myself off and dressed into the black garbs. I tied the belt around my waist and tied my hair back into a short, low ponytail. I took my other clothes and put them in the laundry along with the wet towel. I returned to the other building and took a place at the back of the class. They were mainly middle aged men with the exception of a younger few, perhaps freshly out of school.

"Just in time (y/n). We're about to begin combat. Why don't you step into the circle and we'll have Shiro attempt to push you out?"

'I mean I just recovered from yesterday but okay.' I nodded and stepped into the circle on one side.

"Shiro is currently my top student." My master stated. "We're practicing Karate at the moment. Try to go easy." He whispered the last part. I watched the buff man walk up and stand opposite me. His uniform was white but his belt was black.

"Okay." I parted my legs and bent my knees as I got into a strong stance.

"Begin." My master instructed and my large opponent stood still as though waiting for me to strike first. The stand off ended when he advanced with a high kick. I grasped his foot with my front hand and simply pushed him away with a downward flick of my wrist. He skidded across the line on his other foot. I brushed my hands on my clothes. "Perfect form as usual." My master smiled. I bowed.

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