"So? What are you hiding from them?" Little angel urges Sang to speak up.

"I'm not sure if what I remember from century ago is true or I am just being paranoid, but I have a feeling that I was told that if the spell that trapping me and my Wang were to be broken, it will alert the caster and he will know who broke it as well. From what I understand in the past week is that master Shen Wei and master Zhao Yunlan are hiding their presence from others, right?" Sang questions.

"Yes, because their power is not fully developed yet.... Are you sure about this? And who trapped you guys anyway and why?" Little angel couldn't help but asks out of curiosity and couldn't hide his worries for his masters

"That's why I said I'm not sure if it's true or I'm just being paranoid...." Sang states impatiently.

"Did you talk about this with Wang Zheng? What did she say?" Little Angel inquires again.

"No... I'm worried that she will refuse to be freed if she finds out that by freeing herself, it will endanger our master Shen Wei..." Sang honestly explains his worries.

"Hmm.... she sounds like someone I can get along with..." Little angel said happily knowing that another person or ghost shows will be added to their group that will be royal to his masters.

Truth be told, although both little angel and little devil still have all their memories, he has not met either Sang or Wang. His masters never got the chance to in the past... That's why he has been warily about the ghost and secretly kept his eyes on him. That's how he notices the small guilty glances and restless behavior as the day gets closer to freeing his mates. The little angel found Sang's behavior odd because from what he heard, Sang should be ecstatic today, not guilty or restless like he did something bad. So, he made a gamble and hit the jackpot.

"So, you know about why or who trapped you guys?" The little angel asks again.

"I don't know. All I think I remember is that I was ambushed and trapped in the magic circle. That time, my Wang was not with me, so I think they made the plan way before they decided to take action." Sang angrily mumbles because just remembering it makes his blood boil. Sang is an honest worrier of the underworld who follows his master Shen's motto of royalty, honesty and responsibilities. He detests backstabbing as much as his master Shen does. So, he is honestly in the dark about why he and his Wang was trapped.

"You think... you remember?!" Little Angel asks, unbelieving what he is hearing.

"Look, I'm still getting used to and trying to make things sense right now. I have been trapped for a century to be mindless ghost if you have forgotten!" Sang angry states to little angel. All this thinking and stress is making his head drumming like thunder. And little angel just making it worse.

"Hey! What is happening in the back?" Yunlan shouts when he hears Sang's angry voice.

"Er... nothing master Yunlan! We are just chatting. hahahhaha..." Little angel shouts back but his master doesn't believe him from the stare he is getting.

"Idiot ghost! Do you want them to know what we are talking about before freeing your Wang?" The little angel chides Sang under his breath who is taking deep breaths to calm down his raising anger.

"They will know eventually anyway. I might as well tell them now, so they are aware of danger. I doubt my lovely Wang would appreciate my action if it ended up endangering our master." Sang defeatedly said to little angel after his anger has subdued.

"Are you sure? There might be a chance that they will not free her if ..." Little angel tests when he is full will aware that there is no way his masters will refuse to free a companion just because they will be in danger. But he still wants to test this Sang character.

"That's fine. I will just stay behind with my Wang if that happen. I don't want to disappoint master Shen Wei or my Wang. If master Shen Wei believes that not freeing is the right decision, then it is the right one. It the past, master had never been injustice to any soul and some souls doesn't even deserve it, but he would still be fair and kind. And besides, didn't you say that just because they reincarnate, their character will not change with the passage of time?" Sang fondly said, finally feeling at peace with himself.

I am seriously starting to think that heaven realm and hell realm got flip. What is with all this sincerity and blind trust!? Little angel's mind shouts but all he could response is "I'm glad that master Wei had guards like you, Sang." And that makes Sang smile brightly with happiness.

"Then I will leave the decision up to you whether you are going to them now or later. I won't bud in anymore." The little angel said and flew to his master's shoulder cheerfully.

"Hey troublemaker, what did you do to him?" Yunlan asks while flicking the little angel's forehead playfully.

"Hey! I was just chatting with him! Ask him if you don't believe me!" The little angel upsettingly said and decides to sit on Shen Wei's shoulder instead of his cruel master.

"Xiao Wei...~~~ do you see that!? Even my own familiar is favoring you~~ Who will I have to favor me at this point~~" Yunlan exaggerates playfully making little angel roll his eyes.

But navies Shen Wei took what Zhao Yunlan seriously.... "I will always favor you though... Is that not enough Ah Lan" Shen Wei said with sad doer eyes making Yunlan feel guilty and little angel snicker at Yunlan.

"No! nonono... Xiao Wei. You are all I need. You are enough for me, honest!" Zhao Yunlan panickily said but what he sees next leaves him gaping in surprise.

"Hahahahahh, Ah Lan. I was just playing with you. You should of seem your panicking expression!" Shen Wei said through his laugh.

"Xiao... WEI! You were messing with me weren't you!?" Yunlan whines like a child which gets him an amused stare back from his Wei, "Why I can't do that? You are always teasing, and I just want to return some to you." That gets more teasing laughs out from others.

"I can't believe my xiao Wei is becoming a little devil..." Yunlan mumble while pouting but his pouting session get cut short when Shen Wei lovingly hugs him and said, "I thought I was reincarnation of the devil?" Shen Wei teases again fondly making Yunlan break into fond smile.

"Oh yes... how could I forget that I own a very enchanting sexy devil to myself...hmm?" Yunlan said while staring at his Wei with dark eyes and finally Shen Wei turns red in embarrassment...

"Ah Lan!" Now, its Yunlan turn to laugh and only let embarrassed Shen Wei go from hugging him after kissing his cheery pink lips.

"And here I thought master Wei will win...sigh...." The little angel disappointedly said, making Shen Wei more embarrassed and others laugh again.

However, their good and teasing time come to screeching halt when they see the mysterious Oak tree glowing in red and overwhelming agonies of screams and cries filling the otherwise empty road. 

"Wang!" Sang shouts and runs past everyone toward the tree and everyone else starts running after him

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"Wang!" Sang shouts and runs past everyone toward the tree and everyone else starts running after him.  


A/N: Alright, I'm glad I was able to write this chapter on time. I was worried that I couldn't finish it on time for my lovely readers....😭 Next chapter will be the last chapter of "Ghost Village"... Please enjoy and don't be mad at author for leaving you guys with cliffhanger. 😥😥👀

Until next chapter~~~~ Byebye

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