Chapter 22

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“What is it?!” My voice turned out louder and harsher than I thought it would

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“What is it?!” My voice turned out louder and harsher than I thought it would.

“Di-Dima and M-Mia are missing” her voice felt as if it knocked my guts. I staggered a few feet behind, thrashing into Anthony’s hard chest.

“The neighbours called the cops immediately after they heard some crashing sounds and the buzzer going off at your mansion. When the cops showed up, they couldn’t find Dima and Mia ma’am and the house was complete chaos. But they found some evidence that they both were inside the house.” I couldn’t feel anything, my ears, eyes, mind all went numb.

“Liara!” I heard a faint noise enveloping me, but my body didn’t let me respond to it. I felt so paralyzed, like a jelly. 

Picking my cellphone, I dialled Dima’s number, but it went to voicemail. The same with Mia. My heartbeat sped up, stopping me from thinking straight. I did the only thing that my gut felt right. 

“Vikrant, track down Mia and Dima’s phone. Check the CCTV cameras and let me know where they were last found.” My brain about to burst didn’t help me find the proper solution. 

“What happened?” His worried voice rang through the other side.

“Dima and Mia got kidnapped,” I answered straight to the point and hung it.


I completely zoned out of people’s banter in front of me and glared at my phone, waiting for Vikrant’s call. Drumming my fingers on my desk, I gazed at the ceiling of my office and took a deep breath, remembering the last time I saw both of them. I saw Dima’s sleepy figure last night before heading towards my private office and did not talk with Mia for a few days. My brain screening their helpless faces, imagining them being tormented. Tears making their way from my eyes to my neck and soon drenching my shirt. 

“Ma’am! You’ve got a call from an unknown number.” I heard Aria’s delicate voice at a distance that’s trying to venture my imagination. Closing my eyes for a moment, I could have sworn on Jesus when I saw Dima’s pleading eyes looking straight at me. 

“Give me the phone,” I said raising my hand pointed towards my phone lying at the corner of my desk. 

“But ma’am, it’s an unknown number.”

“Hand me the damn phone, Aria!” I shouted angrily at her and snatched the phone.

“What do you want?” No hello or hey, because I guessed it right. It was someone I’ve known.

“Aw Liara, I guessed you would recognize my voice, darling. Missing me already?” I felt goosebumps on my skin when I heard Carter’s venomous voice chuckling from the other side.

“Don’t you dare harm my people Carter! I will make sure you die a gruesome death.” I said through gritted teeth. 

“You’ve already made my life miserable, my dear. Why not give you hell before facing the actual one myself?” I could imagine the smile plastered on his face and the evil grin right now.

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