Chapter 28

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"What the hell, Liara? What was all that?" Anthony strode towards my desk but l kept staring at Zearo's retreating figure after that smug act of him embarrassing me

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"What the hell, Liara? What was all that?" Anthony strode towards my desk but l kept staring at Zearo's retreating figure after that smug act of him embarrassing me.

"What was what?" I urged, confused. As my mind was mush.

"He can never be your husband. When did you marry him? I mean, what is all this? I'm clueless." His voice came out stressed. It disturbed him, I could tell.

"Anthony, please sit," I swear, I couldn't be as gentle as I was now. I didn't wish to lose my friends and didn't prefer to disclose the truth about Zearo either.

"Look, it was just in a moment that we tried out luck alright. We are married, and we were going to surprise you all by tomorrow as Dima is turning 50 years old." I paused, allowing him to absorb whatever I was trying to explain.

"You just married a random guy, Liara. I was thinking to do a background check on him but hesitated as Emma would have killed me if she'd learned about it." My heart skipped a beat when he shared his thoughts. Taking steady steps towards him, I placed my hands on his to show that I appreciated his determination.

"Look, he is my husband now okay, and I will appreciate it if my personal choices won't be questioned. Please respect him as he is family now." He stared at me for some time and slid his palms away from my hold with an exhale when Aria and Emma entered my cabin.

"This conversation is not over. I'm bothered about your safety." He responded and dashed towards the exit without glancing back.

"Uh, what's wrong with him? He's been sceptical throughout the day." Aria asked no one in particular. Emma eyed at me and then shrugged it off and went to pop a Champagne bottle as if we aren't even existing in the room.

"What happened at the meeting?" Not indulging in the discussion anymore, I dove into my work mode.

"The D'Lukas were overjoyed that you've taken over the company. Many retrieved their resignation letters as partners. The major problem at hand is the Andersons family. Suzanne, the wife of Gabriel Anderson, holds the second-largest amount of shares after you. And she has the consent of other shareholders. It will be very difficult to mould them the way we prefer." Aria concluded her survey with a deep sigh.

"Whatever the hurdles are, I'm sure Liara will cross all of them." Winking at me, she handed a glass of champagne to Aria and black coffee to me.

"I'm glad that you know I don't drink."

"I wouldn't waste these precious babies by offering them to tasteless people either." She announced with a smirk on her face and settled on the couch at the other side of my cabin.


After a long tiring day, I stretched my body, freeing the stressed nerves. Slowly my hands landed on my lips and unconsciously his face popped up in front of me. A small smile appeared on my face, unknowingly reminiscing his lips on mine.

An Unexpected Love - Life Is... A Roller Coaster of EmotionsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum