Chapter 56

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Seeing my investment in Shimmers turn into a loss; my competitors meeting the mafias to take me down; my contract marriage turning into a negative point as my husband's girlfriend turned into an enemy had me question my ability to make decisions

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Seeing my investment in Shimmers turn into a loss; my competitors meeting the mafias to take me down; my contract marriage turning into a negative point as my husband's girlfriend turned into an enemy had me question my ability to make decisions. Way too many problems to deal with in a single day. Walking through the balcony, I saw how tired Zearo looked and I didn't want to know where he was headed so suddenly.

Having so much on my plate already and Zearo remaining silent throughout the ride back home felt like I was driving my Lykan into a desert. Of course, I preferred driving alone, but when someone sat beside me and had a gloomy face, what would anyone expect me to do in that state? I wondered.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, finally battling if I should meddle in his business or not.

"Nothing specific." He cut it short. He wanted to talk to me before, but I ignored him, as I had some other things to deal with. "You wanted to talk about something before. What is it?" I inquired. After spending so many days together, I started getting affected by how he had his expression, whether gloomy or happy.

"It's nothing." He said. I sighed and slowed down the car as I found a proper place to park it. I needed to sort things and needed some time alone. As he was not replying, I thought he wouldn't mind if I took a slight break.

"I'm taking a walk. If you'd like, you can join." I offered and waited for his reaction. Getting out of my car, I found him making his way toward me.

"Are you alright? Is your injury still hurting?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as wrinkles formed on his forehead. His sudden caring gesture shocked me and I stuttered for the first time while speaking, "No- no, I'm fine."

"Okay." He whispered.

"What is wrong with you? If you miss Lilly, then head back home. I will be back after some time." I said and saw a sudden change in his expression as his face lit up in the night as I mentioned Lilly.

"No, she must be sleeping. It's midnight already." He said dejectedly. He spent his entire day with me, even if that was just by sitting in the corner of my office and giving me company.

"Thank you for being there today.'' I thanked him genuinely.

"Uh-huh." He hummed and walked slowly beside me. The winter air gently grazed my skin, giving me a sense of relaxation as I felt the constant flow of stress relaxing. I watched as his face had a shadow and hair gently floating along with the wind. His hair tied in a ponytail and beard gave off macho look. His attire was also plain unlike how I wanted him to look. But that was fine by me. I wasn't going to push him to change the way he was used to living in.

I tore my gaze away from him and watched how gorgeous the night sky looked and how the stars twinkled, letting us know we weren't alone on the lonely path.

"You know, sometimes humans need shoulders to cry on even though they have the immense burden to conquer the world." He said, suddenly surprising me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, hitting the small pebbles on the road and taking the feel of the wind touching my skin.

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