Chapter 7

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"Someone please help me!" I heard a voice screaming and crying for help

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Someone please help me!" I heard a voice screaming and crying for help.

As I was heading toward my ordinary single bedroom apartment after completing today's performance in a nearby nightclub, I stopped abruptly. I gazed at the source of the voice and found myself standing in a dark alley with absolute silence where not a single person was wandering.

I was startled when I heard the same voice screaming for help again. If it would have happened two years back then I would have loved hearing someone wailing on the top of their lungs, desperately crying for help but now it was making me flinch.

In the corner of a narrow road, there were trees hovering over both sides of the street. Squinting my eyes, I found three shadows near a turning at the end of the road. I scowled in that direction and without wasting another second, I rushed toward the shadows when I heard a muffled female voice begging for help.

As I was a few feet away from them, I hid behind a tree so that I would not startle them.

"Don't shout! I can kill you very easily and trust me on this that no one would even know where your dead body would be. So shut the hell up!" One of the masked men shouted, putting a knife against her throat while the other guy was busy pinning her down. I winced when I felt the force they were applying on her. I couldn't see their faces clearly but it was visible that the girl was giving them a hard time.

Although the poor girl couldn't do anything as they both looked like giants and could easily snap her like a twig.

"You think, you can outsmart our boss? You are meant to be his slave, you bitch! And not his damned opponent!" He spat angrily. I could feel my blood boiling at the scene unfolding in front of my eyes. That was when I heard a loud smack. The girl was slapped so hard that she fell face-first on the ground, hitting her head on a nearby stone. Not able to take it anymore, I decided to protect her without revealing my identity.

I tossed a stone in the opposite direction to divert their attention. The masked man with a knife immediately panicked and rushed toward the source followed closely by his companion. I hurried to the lady and lifted her up but soon felt a jolt of pain surging through my head. Closing my eyes, I asked the girl to back away. I turned around and tackled the knifeman.

I punched him hard in his nose and knocked him out by thrusting my index finger at the pressure point under his jaw. I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my left shoulder as I was beating the daylights out of this guy. I cursed wondering why the heck these guys were continuously stabbing me from behind. Gripping my wounded shoulder to stop the bleeding, I turned around to find the other masked man shivering with fear. I heard the girl shrieking when her eyes trailed down my wounded shoulder. I couldn't concentrate on her because she instantly backed away, hiding behind a tree.

I then focused on the second masked man who was almost going to hit on my face. Taking a step back, I elbowed hard on his stomach backed up by a punch under his chin when he tried stabbing me in my guts.

An Unexpected Love - Life Is... A Roller Coaster of Emotionsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن