Chapter 76

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My heart beat louder and my hands shook when I took in his attire

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

My heart beat louder and my hands shook when I took in his attire. In the dark sky, the rainwater drenched his clothes, and he was staggering. “Liara?” He spoke. It was as if it took all his energy to speak my name. 

“What happened? Get into the car.” My hands shook as I touched him. He winced whenever I contacted his body. It was as if he was injured everywhere. 

“Mom.” He whispered, and I tried looking in the direction he pointed his finger at. 

“Anthony?” I attempted to recognize the figure that came into my view through the forest amidst the trees. 

“They are following us.” I looked at Zearo, who was now beside me. We both were drenched but didn’t care to get in as I slowly recognized the body that Anthony was carrying. 

“I asked Vikrant to not let you come. Did he not heed my words?” Anthony glared at me. I shifted my weight on my legs but didn’t reply to him.

“As if she ever heard anyone.” Vikrant snapped from inside the car. 

“Let’s get in and away from their territory.” I rushed towards the car and opened the backdoor and soon made my way to the driver’s seat. 

“I will carry her inside,” Anthony said to Zearo, who was advancing toward him. Vikrant jumped into action and cushioned her. Isabella was lying unconscious as her damp hair stuck all over her face. 

“Get down, I will drive. They are catching up. We need to run.” Vikrant said frustratingly.

“We don’t have time for that. You hop in or I am driving off from here.” I said and started the car, to which he cursed louder and pushed into the back seat. We all were drenched, and I noticed Anthony, Zearo, and perhaps Isabella was injured too. Feeling as if our life depended on how safe I drove off them, I took a swift turn back to the lane I came. My ears felt closed off due to blood rushing through all my veins because of the intensity of my nervousness.

I was nervous and perhaps scared. Through the dark alleyway, I tried my hardest to pass through all the trees and bushes through the heavy rainfall as the car bumped continuously into the holes in the uneven road. I kept on apologizing for hurting them. Through the rearview mirror, I saw cars tailing me. My grip around the steering wheel tightened, and I felt a hand gripping my hand. 

“It’s going to be alright. Drive safe.” Zearo whispered. He smiled as I looked into his eyes. I genuinely was trying my hardest to not crumble, as this was not the time to be helpless. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Locking my eyes on the road, I fixed the location of a place I found safe at the moment, and before that, I had to ditch those cars that kept on approaching us at an alarming rate. 

“Buckle up,” I said to everyone and sped up the car, cutting towards the left side of the forest. The cars kept on increasing their speed in the heavy rainfall. The clouds didn’t stop pouring, and the cars behind us were not in the mood to stop as well. I knew not to stay idle and if we had to get past them, then I had to think of a way. 

An Unexpected Love - Life Is... A Roller Coaster of EmotionsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin