Chapter 33

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"Son, could you please give this tiara to Princess? This one is of her grandma

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"Son, could you please give this tiara to Princess? This one is of her grandma. I want you to give it to her." Dima has been such a loving woman. I wonder what good deed I did to be loved so dearly by someone.

"Shouldn't you be the one to give it to her? You are the most important part of her life." I asked. I genuinely wanted to stay away from Liara and this tiara felt heavy in my hands. Unknown burden and kind of guilt eating me from inside.

"Oh, I believe it's the ritual. Mrs. Amnada mentioned to me that this tiara belonged to Liara's great grandfather, who then gifted it to her great grandmother. Similarly, it's your turn to place it on her head." She gently patted on my hand that held the tiara and walked towards the garden.

Believe it or not, the moment I woke up this morning, nothing turned out to be good for me. I had so much to drink yesterday that showed its effect when I woke up with a terrible headache.

I couldn't even for the life of me remember how I came back home and woke up wearing nothing. I had to recheck twice whether I ended up with some stranger. Instead, I found a plate full of delicious food and a note by Julie.

I didn't expect to get drunk and sleep with Julie again. And the last sentence in the note gave me goosebumps. It said, "For the record, my eyes are brown and not blue."

Suddenly, I felt like puking whatever was inside my stomach. With a fuzzy mind, I glanced at the clock, which struck one in the afternoon.

"Holy crap! I missed breakfast!" Fumbling with my jeans buttons, I made my way to the D'Waner Mansion. I had only one task to keep her people happy, and I was doing a terrible job. I didn't even touch the food cooked by Julie. I just couldn't. An unknown emotion was squeezing my heart, making it hard for me to breathe. So I did the only thing I'm best at. Maintaining a fake smile.

I upset Dima and it showed on her face when I came late but didn't question my whereabouts that I was so glad about. Perhaps Liara asked her not to. Ignoring the constant unbearable pain in my chest, I inhaled the smell of god knows what. My mouth watered instantly.

Dima noticed my action and placed a plate full of "Dungeness Crab Cake". I didn't know the name of the dish and honestly, I wouldn't even have cared to remember the name as it had crabs on it. I love crabs.

After eating my fill, all I had to do was go through the file Liara handed me yesterday and taste the food on the menu for the party.

As I walked past the hallway, I slowed down taking in the surroundings. In the middle of the stairs and on the first floor, there stood a big mirror. I checked my attire, which perfectly fit me. A black tuxedo, a reddish-brown tie, and a beautiful diamond brooch on the collar attached with a silver chain towards the pocket on the left. A satin handkerchief folded beautifully in the pocket, giving it a royal vibe.

A guy arrived in the afternoon and told me he was assigned to get me ready, but I refused to take his help. I used no one's help to get ready, as I can take care of myself pretty well.

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