Chapter 3

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Award day- Friday

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Award day- Friday

The next few days were in a loop. Wake up, go to work, attend all the long boring meetings for about several hours until the Sun's gone down the horizon which is later replaced by the moon. My nights have been the same, restless and incredibly tiresome. Dark circles and bags were forming under my eyes due to the lack of sleep which has now become a daily thing. Life is like a loop and I don't plan on running away from it.

I practically overlooked the thought that today I'll be receiving the award. I've strained myself and worked too hard to make my grandmother and mom proud of me. With all the work piled up, I didn't get the time to rest properly and have been working since early morning today. I glanced at my watch and saw it was 3O' clock already and released a shaky breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Lowering my pen, I massaged my temples that were pounding due to the tension of endlessly working with my team.

With one hand pressed against my forehead to ease off my terrible headache, I pressed the speed dial of the office telephone. "Aria, bring me my usual coffee. And please, make it quick," I ordered and disconnected the call without any pleasantries.

Five minutes later, Mia stood waiting on the doorway of my office cabin and I found it really strange and unexpected because she did not even bother to talk to me after my fierce behaviour. Well, I can't blame her.

"Liara, there you go, your personal favourite coffee. Just the way you always want, strong and black," she said, winking at me.

I didn't even realise that I was glaring at her because I could sense her evil intentions until she raised an eyebrow at me. I cleared my throat to calm myself down.

"Come in," I said to which Mia made herself at home on the couch adjacent to my table.

Within seconds, Aria barged inside my cabin, almost hitting the flower pot beside the door. "I'm so sorry ma'am, Miss Mia insisted on making the coffee for you and I couldn't deny," she said apologetically.

I mentally facepalmed myself because I knew better than anyone else to not piss off my best friend. "What is it Aria? Do you have something to tell me?" I asked my not so bold assistant who was continuously staring at the floor and snapping her fingers. And I swear, I don't like this particular trait of hers.

"No, it's nothing, ma'am. Um, it's just that all your meetings have been postponed by Miss Mia because she wants you to get ready for today's event scheduled in the evening," Aria confessed, occasionally glancing at Mia who was busy flipping the pages of our company's magazine all the while savouring her coffee.

"Who the hell permitted you to do this, Mia?" I demanded her through gritted teeth. I hate it when people try to jeopardize my work.

"Well, here's the thing, honey. You have a big event to attend today. So Dima has given me permission to do whatever I need in order to bring your working ass home and help you get ready. Emma is at Deertown all ready with your dress and makeup. So pack your stuff, we're leaving," she announced without even looking at me.

An Unexpected Love - Life Is... A Roller Coaster of EmotionsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat