Fast Forward To Today

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We were doing this dumb assiment for French class. I was next to Tristan. The assiment was called, 'If I Could Go Back In Time..." I Tori was speaking. She had her paper in one hand. She started to read in french, "si je pourrait aller arrière en temps, je avais retour à la moment..." She took a big sigh. Then started to read the words that tattooed in my head. "Before Campbell Saunders..." she stopped and I looked up from my lifeless pencil. She started to speak in French again, "assaassinè lui-même." The room went silence. Tristan got up and hugged her in front of the whole class. She started to cry in his arms. I peered over and saw Zig, just staring at them, lifeless. Damon doing the same. I didn't cry. I can't, and I will not. "We could have tried to help him." She cried into Tristan's arms. I could tell Tristan was sharing her tears and pain. Zig rolled his eyes, "God, are you kidding me." Tori and Tris looked at Zig sadly with anger. Like everyone else did in the class. Groans of discuss were passed around in the classroom. "Zig, something you wanna share?" The teacher pulled her bangs to the side. "She knew the guy for like what, three months?" I looked back at Zig with a dry face. Tristan gave him a furious glare, "That's rich. Coming from the guy who kissed Cam's girlfriend." I finally spokeout, "Tristan!" Zig kept coming back for more. "At least I'm not being a total drama queen over a guy that I hardly knew." The teacher broke the verbal fight. "Zig, if you are so anxious to speak, please, share your assiment with the class." Zig clammed up. He took a big sigh and got up to present. "If I could go back in time, I would go back before we had to do this stupid assiment." He left the silent classroom with his books. Moans of disgust surfed everyone.

I didn't speak to anyone after that for like an hour. Then I spoke out and Tris, Tori, and I hugged. There was pain running through each of our veins. Maybe one would pop.

Tori, Tris, and I were all talking until Zig walked in with Damon behind him. He was mumbling something to our teacher. "Zig will be representing his report." She announced then walked to her desk quickly. He looked at the paper, then at me. Then at Tori. Then at the paper. Then all around, back to the paper. "si je pourrait aller arrière en temps, si je pourrait aller arrière à dernier nuit. je jamais voudrais avoir..." He looked all around and put his paper aside. "Thrown garbage on your car." he appoligized to our teacher. I saw his eyes look at me and Tristan. Then at Tori. "Actually, if I could go back in time, I would go back before all of that." We all looked up at him. "I-I would have never of come between my friends. I wouldn't of hurt Tori." I saw her look up at him with a faint smile. "Because, she doesn't deserve that. If I could have gone back in time, I would have listened to Maya." I just had a frown on my face. I wasn't upset or anything, it's just, I didn't have any words to spit out. "And I would have left her and Cam alone." I looked down and opened my mouth, but didn't say anything back. "I would have taken back all the things I said to Cam. I know I don't deserve to have all these wishes, but, I just want you guys to know that I am sorry. Really sorry." I blinked a couple times then focused back on Zig.

It was lunch time. All of us were laughing so hard. We all looked over. "Hey." Zig smiled with glee. I grinned back. "Zig, what you said today, thanks, it meant a lot. It was cool. Thanks." Tori followed my words. "It meant a lot to me too. Thanks." Tristan started to get up, "We should get going. We don't want to be late!" Tori got up and followed him with her tray. I grabbed my lunch bag and followed them. I was going to tell Zig some info a while ago before he said all that stuff. I kept it inside of me because I felt hurt from what he said. "Hey, Eli is looking for some extras for his short film. Wanna be in it with us?" Zig looked at Damon. "Uh, sure. Definitley." He confirmed. I headed off with Tris and Tori to class. It was weird because I could feel Zig's eyes burning through my hair as we all walked away.

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