Pushing To Hard

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"Do I have to go. I mean. We are almost at the end of the school year, what's the point of going." I moaned. "If it's so little left maybe you should go. Just to get it over with." my mom said while making pancakes. "You'll be a sophomore next year, you're going to be half way up to the almost very end. Them there's college." my dad tried to explain. "Are you ready yet Miles? Hunter and I don't have much left either, you know." Frankie complained. "She's right." Hunter didn't even look at me. Just at his laptop. "Stop acting like a 12 year old, Miles! Go to school now!" His dad raised his voice. He didn't want to tell anyone about his dads' "anger" problems. "You're just upset because Jules broke up with you." Frankie teased. That made me angry. "Jules was cheating on me. I broke up with her." We all headed out the door with our school uniforms on and backpacks sealed.

        When we were at school everyone just looked my way. Frankie and Hunter just looked at all the kids staring at us Hollingsworth's. I was tired of people looking at us. "What?" I questioned this one kid. "Why did you have to do that to Jules?" A kid pushed me away from the other kid. "Why'd you ask her to do all that stuff?" I looked at him strangely. "Again. What?" He shoved me! I pushed him. We started to get in a fight. Hunter pulled me away from him. "It's not worth it Miles!" He warned. Principal James stepped out. "Hollingsworth, my office now."  He pointed to the kid who shoved me to come in too. 

        "Now, what happened." He folded his hands on his desk. "I was just walking down the hallway with Frankie and Hunter and everyone was just looking at us in disgusting ways. I walked up to a kid and asked them why was everyone staring at us. He asked me 'Why would you do that to Jules!' She is my ex-girlfriend. We broke up before spring break. And this guy over here shoved me, and said, 'Why'd you ask her to do all that stuff?' I have no idea what he was talking about. Then Hunter pulled me away from him when he was probably to punch me in the face!" I looked at the kid who hurt my arm. He just had a glare at me. "What's your story." Prinicpal James asked the kid. "He was abusive to Jules when he broke up with her!" Principal James looked at me with a stern glare. "What? Where did you get that idea from?" He looked at me like I was clueless, well I kind of was at the momment. "She told everybody." I shook my head. "She broke up with me. I would never hit her! In my life!" He rolled his eyes. "I'll tell your dad about this, Miles." He began to dial the number. I had tears in my eyes. All the bruises he caused for him. All the mental scars. He couldn't tell anyone about his dad. It wasn't only that. He couldn't find anyone trustworthy enough. Hunter and Frankie never knew about the dark side of their dad. "He's coming to pick you up." I ran out of the office and ran outside. 

        I started to cry. No one would understands me. I don't even understand me. I kept it in my pocket just in case. I never wanted to but it felt so good when I did. I pulled out my lighter. Then I started to grab some weed. I put it in my mouth then lit it. I leaned on a brick wall, then slid down. I pulled the weed out of my mouth, I exhaled the smoke and closed my eyes. A tear rolled down my face. My dad used to beat me when I did something bad. He verbally abused me too. Said I was a stupid, a dumbass, complained about who I was. I'm so sick of it! He is trying to control my life. I can't take it anymore! My friend Thomas gave me some weed before he moved. Anyways, why would Jules do that! I gave up on the reason, so I put the weed back in my mouth and relaxed until it kicked in.


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