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I was sitting outside on a bench. Trying not to think about Cam. Katie walked over to me. "Uh, hey. How are you doing." she said in a gentle tone. "I'm great." I shrugged. "Well, um, they found Hoot." I just put on a fake smile, but she thought it was a real one. "Okay, I'll come get you when we're ready." She left with Jake walking beside her. Then I saw Zig. I haven't seen him since Cam hit him, and the vigil. He looked at me. He still had a black eye from Cam. "Finally, a person that will treat me normally!" I let out a sigh of relief. Zig didn't say anything. He just stared at the sidewalk. "Oh no, not you too! You hated him yesterday!" I groaned. "But, I'm the reason that he did it." I rolled my eyes and put my back against the bench, then closed my eyes to the sound of his voice. "I told Cam to get out of your life. And he did. It's all my fault." There was a hint of pain in his voice.

I started to laugh. "That's rediculous!" He just gave me an upset glare as I continued to laugh. "How can you be laughing right now?" I stopped. "Well, everyone is telling me to do what I feel. And apparently what I feel is wrong." Katie walked into our conversation. "We're ready."

Later Katie and I were walking through the half empty halls. She gave me Hoot and asked if I was alright. I answered, yes. Then she went to class. After she left, Tori came up to me. There was an awkward feeling between us. "Hey." She said. "Hey." I said back. "Look, I'm sorry for being so rude to you a couple days ago." I apologized. "It's cool. I'm sorry I was so nice." she smiled. "But, I was trying to help out. The thing is, I wanted to be best friends again, even before Cam. I just didn't know how to say it." She admitted. "Well, good. Because, I really need my best friend right now," I hugged her. I felt like I wanted to breakdown crying, so I did into her arms. "It's going to be okay, Maya, I promise." Tori sounded sad too, while she was trying to comfort me. "Okay." I had a bunch of tears rolling down my face. "Are you getting snot on my sleeve?" I backed away. "Sorry." She shook her head. "It's fine. I can take it." she joked. "We should probably get going to class." I changed the subject. She nodded and walked off. I took Hoot out of my backpack. I looked at him and smiled, then clammed my mouth. I stood in the hallway alone for a minute or two, then headed into the classroom.

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