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        After I was grounded for two weeks, I felt alone. That sounds weird. But, it's true. My sibilings didn't back me up for once. Well, they never do, but sometimes they do. But when I was up in my room the day after the party I had over 24 texts and 3 calls. Some of them were from Nate, some were from Peter. And the rest were from like 4 girls I met at the party. They all seemed flirty with me. But, to be honest, I didn't seem intrested. They all seemed nice, but none were for me. Everybody classfied me as a stuck up,  clueless, one of the girl players, rich kid. I may be rich, but, I am not any of those things. At least, I don't think I am. Not everyone is over the whole Jules thing. Oh well, haters gonna hate, right?

        When I walked into school, I didn't feel like talking to anyone. But of course, Nate walked up to me, acting like he was high. Even though he wasn't. I could tell because, he didn't smell like pot. "What's up, dude!" He tried to high five me, but I turned away. "What's wrong with you, Hollingsworth?" I started to walk away, tried to avoid him. Of course, he had to follow me. He has no idea how deep I was with my dad. "Leave me alone, Nate. We aren't friends." I walked towards the end of the hallway. Nate was trailing behind me. "I thought we we're smokings buddies!" I shushed him down. I didn't need anyone knowing I smoked weed. "What you don't want people to know that you smoke weed?!" he yelled. Good thing no one was in the hallway. I bumped into a table with a bunch of decorations on and around it for a dumb afterschool pep rally. "Miles, come on don't you want to go puff up." I shook my head. "No. I am not smoking anymore." He laughed. "Why not?!" He got his lighter out. He lit it. He was right next to me. "Be careful, Nate." I warned. "Why Hollingsworth? You scared?" I nodded, "Actually, yes." He put his hand on the table. The only problem was the lighter was in his hand. And it was lit. Plus, a bunch of papers were on the table. They quicly all started to light on fire. We both stared at the flames. He was speechless. "Run." We ran as fast as we could. We heard a teacher call out. "Fire! Run!" Screaming and screeches filled the air. We didn't look back, we just kept running.


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