Hopes On The Horizon

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She picked up her guitar. I was smiling, and I didn't know how to stop. I couldn't really. "That magic night we met, I melted in your arms. My heart wasn't ready yet. So, I sounded the alarm. And, it chased you away. Yeah, it chased you away." It did. This is the story of us. We aren't even dating, but.... Never mind. She's just so...unpredictable. She' falling, and she doesn't even know it yet. After she was done, I could take my eyes off of her. Maya was stunning, she is stunning. Her gaze followed among the crowd, then stopped at me, smiled even wider.

The bell rang.

Everyone started to exit class. I stopped Maya. She waved for Tristan to wait for her I'm guessing. "Nice song." She pushed her lox out of her face. "Thanks. I liked your smile too." That came out wrong, but I knew what she meant. "I have two tickets to the Ed Sheeran concert for Saturday. I was hoping you would go with me...?" There was hesitation in her voice. "Can I get back to you?" I frowned. "Sure." Keeping my impatience locked in.
"Got a date with her yet?" Chewy came up behind me beamed. "No." With a sharp annoyance in my voice. "You two are crazy in love with each other." I sat down one a bench with my books in one hand. "Really Chewy, 'in love'." He nodded, "yes, in love. Just try again later, and see if she goes for it." Winston is actually right for once. Once in a lifetime, anyways. I have hope for Maya and I. It's stronger than the hope for Nate and Jules get what they really deserve. Stronger than Zoë actually leaving Degrassi, and me alone. Some hope, right? It won't even get me far.
A few days later, after I knew she was coming with me to the concert, I heard a video was made about Maya, and her song. They were all rude remarks. Maya was going to show us the video in 7th period. I had hope that the remarks were just payback for something. Gee, I was wrong.
"Unravel me. What's underneath? Strip me bare, I want you to-" The chords began to strum. The video kept on getting worse and worse. Then came the big part. The kiss. Not only a kiss, a make out session, on tape, on the internet. In her underwear. I wanted to see that on my own, not in video form! The last guitar chords played, and it was over. Maya, Tristan, Zoë, and I were all at a little round table, surrounding the small TV. "What you guys think?" I tried to bite my tongue, but it just came out. "Yeah, I guess. If you're into porn." I grabbed my bag, and headed out of the room alone.
"Miles!" I finally turned around to face Maya. "You've been avoiding me ever since you said that rude comment." She didn't get it, did she. She knows I like her, and is toying with my feelings for her. "I'm not mad. Just kind of surprised." Maya looked confused. Wow. I started to walk, footsteps slowly started to click behind me. "The video? Miles that's not who I am. I was just doing that for my music career." I mumbled, "So, you were a slut to get attention?" The big S word. "You did not just call me that!" She had no idea about FaceRange did she. I mimicked her, "It's not just me. Check out your FaceRange fanpage, you're a big star." I wiped the sweat from my forehead when I left Maya to her computer. If only she knew how much I cared, yet how I could not show.

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