A New Friend?

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Today I went to my 20 year reunion with my army family.
While I was there my old chief handed me a package. it was dated from 1994 to 1997.
"I'm so sorry these didn't get delivered to you while you were serving with us." He said to me. 'Too fucking late now' I thought.
I hope they weren't important.

They letters were from Debbie Angelo.
This took me back to almost 25 years ago when I fell in love with a beautiful and well respected women.

She really was my first love, that's crazy I've got a letter backdated for 25 years.

I wonder what she wanted, but that could wait.

I reunited with all my old friends and had a great time, we all said our goodbyes to the alive and dead soldiers that fought for this country.
It was an honour to serve you all.. but I'm ready to be an old man now and retired.
I gave my little speech and headed to my car to read a letter.

It read..
"hey Jack,
It's Debbie long time no speak,
I know you probably never expected to hear from me but I needed to tell you we have a son, a boy.. his name is Jaxon.
I don't think I can cope with him all by myself so I thought you might want to meet him and maybe start a family again?
This will be the only time I contact you if you don't contact me again, I don't want you to be a part of my life but please try and be a part of Jaxon's, I called him
Jaxon after you, he's perfect you should come see him.
All my love Deb's xx"

I didn't know what to say.. I was speechless, I have a son out there!

An actually son, I'm not alone in my old age, maybe I've got grandchildren to maybe he's got a wife!

I really needed to meet him but I hadn't  got a clue where he was or if he was even around anymore that would make him around 27 years old!
I'm a dad.. she really made me a father I can't wait to thank her.
I opened the second later..

It read...
I know I said I wouldn't write again, but I can't cope with Jaxon, I've had another child another boy called Ezra.
He is amazing and Jaxon is a handful, he's spiteful and doesn't listen to me how can I have a child with someone I don't like but love my child unconditionally and then have a child with you the man I loved and hate the child I had.
I don't want him, if you want him you are welcome.. maybe you can put him in place before I loose my temper!
He's arrogant and rude so you need to come sort him out! I'm still living where I met you! I just want to raise Ezra properly I probably wont fail as a mother this way.
Yours truly Debs xxx"

This angered me, 'what a spiteful bitch' I thought to myself.
He would have only been around 4 years of age!
maybe she blames me for leaving to go into the army. I gave her the choice for me and her to be together but she choose alcohol instead and I couldn't be her babysitter.

I can't imagine what my son is like having a mother like that, how can she go from one letter of being overwhelmed with being a mother to completely hating him.

What had my poor boy been through.
I drove 9 hours to Debbie's old address, I hoped I would bump into Jaxon.

I arrived at our old home, it hadn't changed a bit, it was completely the same after 25 years!

I walked towards the door nervously, I didn't know what to say to Debbie once she opens this door.

"Hello? Can I help you?" A middle aged woman answered.

"Yes, I'm looking for Debbie Angelo? May have married and changed her last name though." I wasn't even sure if her name.

"I'm sorry she doesn't live here.." the woman replied kindly.

First Love, Last Love Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang