God parents.

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I had booked a photo shoot for Ezmaya, it was an occasional one to ask Smit & Freya & Ria to be here godparents, It was going to be super cute and I was so excited.

I went shopping with Ezmaya to get such a cute dress for her, I had asked Aimee and Harvey to come with us but she had said no, that she was busy looking at houses..

I strapped Ezmaya in her big girl car seat and headed to the mall to pick her dress up and a couple of cute things.

I texted my husband.. crazy right? saying the photo shoot was at 1.00 o'clock I really hoped he would be able to make it.

I picked the perfect white dress for Ezmaya, it had pink swirls on the bottom and a cute little Pink flower, of course I had to get matching shoes and head band.
I was so glad I could be Ezmaya's perfect mummy again.
We went to Costa and I had a coffee and she had a cupcake she really enjoyed it, you could tell from the chocolaty face.

We went into Pandora to get a little charm for Ria and Freya off Ezmaya for becoming her godmothers, I  just couldn't decide what to get Smit.
"What do you get for a middle aged guy" I asked Ezmaya.

I went into another store, the watches were £90-£100 and I didn't want to spend that much.
Then I remembered he already owned a watch, what if some how I could sneak it and get it personalized on the back from Ezmaya!

Time was getting on and Ezmaya was grumpy, she definitely needed a nap before her photoshoot, so I strapped her in the car and drove around waiting on our appointment.

I text Jaxon again, he didn't think he could make it.
I was so sad that he was going to miss our little girls first photo shoot but work was more important, we needed the money, so I completely understood.

It was 12.40 so it was time for Ezmaya to wake up.
I handed her over a bottle of milk and she wasn't grumpy, I thought 'thank god for that!' I didn't want a grumpy child photoshoot.

We waited a minute for her to finish her bottle and then we headed inside.

The photographer greeted us "hello is this Ezmaya Angelo?"

"yes it is, its nice to meet you" I said back.

"Oh shes beautiful, have you brought an outfit to change her into?" The photographer asked.

"Yes is there somewhere I can change her?" I smiled.

"Yeah inside there" She pointed to a room. "We're ready when you are"

I went into the room and got her changed she looked like a princess, "I wish Ezra could see you now, he would be so proud of you." I said to Ezmaya.

"So you want a godparent shoot? I've got blocks that I can write out will you be my godparent? and then put Ezmaya in front of it?" The photographer suggested when we went back to the studio.

"Wow that would be perfect." I said, the idea sounded amazing.

Just watching her made me realize how much I had missed out on her, but I was so glad I was there now and I would make it up to her.
I couldn't imagine what this lady was going though trying to make Ezmaya smile and sit still she wasn't having any of it, her headband and shoes were competently off, 'the joy's of babies' I thought to myself.

"I've got some shots but I think she's had enough now, bless her do you want to have a look what I've got?" The photographer asked me.

"Oh yes please" I was excited.

Even though Ezmaya was being a pain she got some increadiable shots of her, I was completely overwhelmed they were perfect, she even got some cheeky shots of her for me.

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