How Could You!

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I woke up feeling on top of the world.

Ezmaya was still sleeping in her bedroom, I knew she was still asleep because if she was awake she would be standing at her gate shouting mama.

Jaxon was still passed out next to me. He looked so good asleep, I was sad our honeymoon had ended.
We had an amazing time. Ria and Freya shared Ezmaya for her week we were away. She loved them both.

I went downstairs and put the coffee machine on, Aimee was sitting at the table trying to get Harvey to eat his lucky charms.
He wasn't having any of it. There was more on my floor than in his mouth, But I loved having them stay with us, we felt so close to Ezra having Harvey there.

After I had my coffee and shower I went to my bedroom, I had a towel wrapped around me, Jaxon was still asleep.

I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it to do my makeup. Today was a big day. I needed to look my best.

I felt a hand behind me, my towel was pulled off.
I turned to Jaxon and laughed. "Good morning to you too."
He pulled me back into bed and kissed me. I wished I could have stayed in bed all day but like I said.. it was a big day.

I got up and put on my black dress, it almost touched my knees, wasn't my usual style at all.
I put a black blazer on and stuck my hair up in a bun, I really missed the blonde. But the black hair made me look so much older.

I applied my makeup and Text Ria, She had agreed to look after the kids for the day.

Sofia; Hey babe, you ready to come get Ez & Harvey? Xx

Ria; on my way darling xxx

I went downstairs, Jaxon had managed to get himself ready for work, dress Ezmaya, and pack a bag for both kids in the time it took me to get myself ready.

Aimee had already left for the estate agents. She was signing the paperwork for her new place.  

Jaxon kissed Ezmaya and I goodbye and high-fived Harvey then set out for work, I waited for Ria.

Ria turned up right on time, I thanked her for watching the kids and headed out to the car. I couldn't risk being late.

I pulled up outside Big Tony's. it was a very posh and expensive restaurant.
I got out of the car and walked inside.

I was ready for my interview. I had rehearsed it in my head 100 times.. I needed this job so badly..


Ezmaya was always a little angel when I looked after he but today she had the devil in, "Oh gosh.. you're definitely your fathers daughter." I said to her laughing.
She stuck her tongue out at me and blew raspberries.. How rude.

"Who wants to go to the park?" I said to the kids as I filled my arms with teddies and toys and put them back into the toy cupboard. They both squared. They wanted to go.

I grabbed the kids coats and shoes and helped them put them on. Ezmaya seemed like she was on a sugar high, she was so hyperactive.
Harvey was such a quiet child.
I was glad Cole was with Katie, I don't think I would have been able to handle 3 kids.

It was a warm day so we walked to the park, it wasn't far at all.

The kids ran off to play and I kept a close eye on them. Pushing them on the swings and helping them on the climbing frame, this was sure to wear them out.

Katie callled me, I ignored it.. I was busy with the kids. She called again, worried that something was wrong with Cole I went to the side and answered it.

Katie- "Where is Coles blue bear?"

Ria- "in his cot babe."

Katie- "it's not there and he is so unsettled."

Shit.. he wouldn't settle without that bear. I hoped he hadn't lost it.

Ria- "check the book of the car and call me back if it's not there."

Katie- "okay babe, see you soon."

I ended the call and looked up, Harvey was playing on the seesaw.
Ezmaya wasn't on the other end, I looked around for her.. she was gone.

I shouldn't have took my eyes off them! Jaxon would kill me. I had to find her.

I ran over and grabbed Harvey's hand "Where did Ez go?" I asked him.

He frowned and looked around then looked at me "I don't know" he said to me.

I was panicking. I ran around the park shouting her name, I couldn't see her anywhere.
I stopped everyone and asked if they had seen her, I gave a description of her.

She was gone, oh my gosh what if one of Jaxon and Sofia's victims family had took her and hurt her?

I had to call the police!
I dialled 999 and the operator answered.

"Police please.. I've lost my goddaughter at the park. She's only 1"

I had to text Sofia and Jaxon..


My interview went amazing. I got the job, I was so happy. I had to text Jaxon

Sofia; I got the job! Xx

Jaxon; well done sweetheart I'm so proud of you. x

I went to text him back when I seen a text pop up from Ria.

Ria; I can't find Ezmaya! I'm so sorry, I've called the police. We were at the park.

How the fuck could she lose my daughter!
She shouldn't have took her eyes off her. I ran back to my car and sped to the park. I saw blue lights behind me. I was being pulled over. Fuck.

The cop came over and said to me "Miss you were way over the speed limit."

"I'm sorry, my baby has gone missing from the park I—" but before I could finish he cut me off "we're heading there now, just follow us"

He got back in his car and I followed, 50 miles per hour over the speed limit, to the park. 

When I got there Jaxon was already there, he worked over the other side of town. I don't know how he managed to get there so fast.
I went straight over to Ria, I was so angry.
"How could you lose her Ria?"

She was crying her heart out. "I'm so sorry, I thought something was wrong with Cole so I answered my phone.."

I couldn't be mad at her for that! I would have done the same if I was her. I looked at the police officer. "She's a year old! She can't walk fast enough to wonder off out of Ria's sight. Someone's took her..."

I looked at Jaxon. If this down to his past I would kill him.

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