Working life

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I got to work a little late, after last week I was so paranoid about leaving Ezmaya.

She was going to be staying with Ria while Sofia and I worked. I know she went missing in Ria's care but that wasn't Ria's fault.
Sofia and I talked and we both trusted Ria with her.

I walked into the morgue and savannah looked at me "hi Jaxon" she said in her usual flirty voice.

'Fuck off' Savannah I thought but I said hi back.

"Why are you late?" She questioned me.

"I'm sorry but last time I checked I was your boss. Not the other way round." I snapped back.

"Damn alright sassy pants. My bad." She sounded sarcastic.

I put my apron and gloves on and opened the freezers ready to start my day.
I sent savannah to do work in the office. I couldn't be bothered with her.

I pulled a body out; it was a 21 year old female, she was found floating in a lake. I began to check her over for any signs of a struggle, it all seemed pretty innocent until I checked under her nails and saw a short black hair. She was a blonde.

I went to grab an evidence bag, I turned back to her and she was sat up. She was looking at me.. her hand reached out in my direction.

What the fuck.. "Savannah get in here" I shouted.

I heard a voice behind me, I turned to look at Savannah "what's up" she asked. I turned back to the body. She was lay down again. "Oh erm.. she had hair under her nails, put it in evidence. I'll be back soon" I said and headed to the office.

I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. What was happening. Was I going crazy?

I needed to talk to someone. I called Lucy.
She answered straight away.

Jaxon- "help me I'm going crazy."

Lucy- "calm down Jaxon. What happened."

Jaxon- "the body at the morgue. She sat up and looked at me.l

Lucy- "okay Jaxon.. right remember you have Schizophrenia, it doesn't just disappeared."

Jaxon- "well it did for a year Lucy!"

I was panicking.

Lucy tried to calm me down. "you've had a traumatic experience. Your daughter went missing. Your mind is all over the place right now."

Jaxon- "how do I fix it?"

Lucy- "come to my office tomorrow, I will trial you on different antipsychotic medication. we can do a few sessions together if you want."

"you are actually a therapist right? That wasn't just a ploy?" I asked her cautiously.

Lucy-"I might be auntie Lucy but yes I'm a therapist. I wouldn't have been able to hypnotise you if I wasn't would I?"

Jaxon- "wait what?"
She hadn't hypnotised me to my knowledge.

Lucy- "I.. Uhm.. come see me tomorrow. Bye Jaxon."

She hung up. What was she talking abut. I was so confused.  I didn't have time to dwell on it. Savannah was back in my face.

"who was that?" Savannah asked being nosy as usual.

"what?" I tried to come up with a response.

"Who was on the phone?"

I decided to be honest. "It was my shrink. I'm crazy."

"I knew it. Nut job." She smirked but I was past playing.
I pushed her against the door and looked at her "do you know how easy it would be for someone like me to kill someone like you?" I asked coldly.

She bit her lip and smiled at me "I'm guessing it would be a piece of cake."

Why the fuck was she smiling! "Exactly. Don't push it Savannah." I snapped.

She leaned up and kissed my cheek then ducked under my arm "we've got work to do. Come on.."

Why the fuck wasn't she scared of me? I wasn't having this. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, her body was pressed up against mine.
She looked up at me, I could see a little bit of fear in her eyes this time. "We go back to work when I saw so. Not when you do. Understand?" I said to her sternly.

She looked at my lips and then back to my eyes "of course I understand, so Mr Angelo. May I go back row too now?" She winked at me. She was taunting me.

Why the fuck was the woman not intimidated by me. I let go of her. "Go on then.."
she smiled and shrugged then walked back to the freezers.

I just froze on the spot. No one ever had me wound this tightly. Only Sofia.

And what was worse was the fact Savannah and I would be travelling in a few days to examine a body, we would be on a train together for hours and in a hotel.
I was worried, I didn't know if I was likely to fuck her or kill her. Both were just ask bad. I followed her to the freezers.

I got back home at 3ish Sofia didn't finish until 5, I decided I would get her some flowers, oh how I wanted to use the flower food on Savannah.
She had pissed me right off. I went to Ria's apartment first.

I knocked the door. She opened it and passed Cole to me. I didn't know what to do. I took him.

He was a few weeks old by now, he was kinda cute. "Hey buddy, remember me? I pulled you out of your mommy's huge vagina" I said to him.
Ria laughed and shouted from the kitchen "Jax don't tell him that!" I just chuckled.

Ezmaya ran over shouting daddy she was in just a nappy. "Why's my daughter turned into a nudist?" I asked.

Ria walked out of the kitchen holding Ezmaya's clothes. She leaned down and dressed her.
"She decided to spill juice all over herself"

"Oh we pull in a spare outfit." I informed Ria.

"Yeah she juiced that one too. Maybe give her a soppy cup again?" Ria suggested.

"No way, she's not a baby anymore, she's not having a soppy cup." I smiled and gave her a dummy. I know, ironic.

"Oh so my carpets get a juice bath but your big girl has a dummy?" She laughed. I laughed too.

I gave Cole back and went to get flowers with Ezmaya then headed home.

Ezmaya and I set the flowers on the table, we got Sofia a bottle of wine and box on chocolates too.

I text Freya

Jaxon; Oi brat, come to mine at 6.

Freya; we are not having an affair Jaxon.

I laughed. She was always funny.

Jaxon; don't be a dick. Just come over.

Freya; why

Jaxon; Sofia has her first shift today. I'm sure she will want girl time.

Freya; where you gonna be?

Jaxon; kicking me out of my own house?

Freya; never. See you later.

This plan was... for my benefit. I wanted some time to go and stalk Savannah.

I wasn't going to kill her. I was just curious.

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