A Helping Hand.

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My night with Sofia was playing on my mind. I think I wanted Jaxon to be mad that I had slept with his wife, I felt like I deserved to yelled at but that wasn't how it went at all.

He wanted to watch and we were more than happy to put on a show for him, he loved every second.

I looked at the time. It was almost 12, since Kyle had died I somehow ended up selling drugs for some crazy ass guy, I didn't want to do it.
I wanted to live a nice quiet life with Corey.
I was over him cheating on me. I wanted to see if there was something left to save.

I text Sofia for advice.

Freya; Hey babe, Having trouble with a guy.. Any suggestions! Xx

Sofia; I need some context boo xx

I had to lie. I didn't want her to know I was still dealing after she had been to prison for it.

Freya; it's an older guy and I want him to leave me alone.. xx

Sofia; I can come with you to tell him to fuck off? xx

Freya; Jaxon wouldn't let that happen. He's not a very nice guy.. xx

Sofia; right. I'll send Smit to yours. He can go scare the guy off. xx

That was actually perfect..

Freya; sounds good sweet, thank you xx

I jumped in the shower and got dressed before Smit turned up, I did my hair and makeup and headed downstairs.

"Are you alright sugar?" Smit asked when he saw me.

Fuck.. he made me jump.

"Erm how did you get in?" I asked.

"I have my ways." He smirked. "Also you left the door open."

I really shouldn't do that, not with dealers knowing where I live.

"I wasn't completely honest with Sof." I said to him.

"That figures.. so what am I here for?" He asked.

"I've been dealing drugs for way over a year now,. I want out but I don't think they will let me.." I sighed.

"Ah okay. I can't condone selling drugs but I will help you get out of it." He smiled.

"And you won't tell Sofia?" I questioned him.

"No. come on I'll drive." He turned to leave.

I directed Smit to an old warehouse. We sat in the car and looked at the door.

"Right here's what we do, you walk in there. Tell them you're done with their shit and you leave." He said to me.

"You make it sound so easy." I frowned.

"It is, that's all you have to do. And I'm here if it goes bad." Smit said.

"Okay." I nodded and got out of the car.

Smit got out too and lit a smoke, I walked up to big roller door and walked inside, I turned to looked behind me. Smit was gone.. great.

I walked over to Perry and asked where Kobe was, he frowned and pointed to the other side of the warehouse then continued to count pills.

I took a deep breath and walked over to Kobe.

Kobe looked at me. "Freya, you missed your last collection."

"That's what im here to talk about." I said.

Kobe nodded "well now you're taking double and I want it all sold by tonight."

"I'm not doing it Kobe." I protested.

He laughed at me. "I'm sorry what?"

"I'm done." I said.

"No you're done when I fucking say you're done." Kobe corrected me.

"Kobe I'm sorry, I won't say anything to anyone. I just want out." I said.

"Oh princess you can't just walk in and out of here whenever you damn well feel like it. You're mine now." He laughed.

I turned to the door. Smit wasn't around. But I trusted Sofia so I trusted him.

"Kobe I'm done." I said and turned to walk away. As I did he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. He went to say something but then Perry fired a gun.

What the fuck...


I stood outside the warehouse and had a quick smoke. I watched as Freya was pointed in another direction and kept my eyes on her.

She was my nieces best friend and I wasn't about to let her get hurt.
She walked over to a guy that was ordering others around. He must be the big boss I thought to myself.

I snuck into the warehouse and hid behind a crate of... well I don't know what it was but it was probably something dodgey.

I watched Freya as she went to walk away. I saw Kobe pull her back, I was about to go over when Perry saw me sticking my head out. He fired a fucking shot at me. It echoed across the whole warehouse. I ducked back behind the crate and it missed me. Then I stepped out.

"Well shit me, that's not a very nice welcome." I said to him.

He aimed the gun at me again "try it sonny and it will be the last thing you do, I've got 2 snipers with eyes on you. You wouldn't even get as far as pulling the trigger" I said as I walked towards him. He lowered his gun. Fucking young ones. So easy to bullshit.
"Now which one of you is the big boy?"

Perry pointed to Kobe.

"Ah, so you're the one forcing young girls to sell your gear?" I said to him.

"and who the fuck are you?" Kobe asked me.

"Look pal, all I have to do is hold my hand up and you get a bullet between the eye. All I have to do is" I stared to raise my hand slowly.

Kobe panicked. "No wait don't."

I smirked and put my hand down again I held my hand out to Freya.
She took it and I pulled her over to me.

"Now you apologise to this young lady." I demanded.

"soz Freya." Kobe said.

I punched him hard in the face. "That was weak. fucking mean it you little shit."

Kobe soon changed his tune. "I'm sorry Freya."

"No give her what you owe her." I said.

Kobe frowned. "I don't owe her anyt—"

I cut him off "I think she deserves some compensation."

"But" he went to protest.

"Ah." I shook my head.

I looked out the door and then back to him. He looked for my shooter and sighed, he took a few wads of £10,000 out and gave them to Freya.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you asshole. Come on sugar let's go." I smiled at Freya.

I walked out of the warehouse with Freya and we got into the car. I drove away pretty fast.

Freya looked at me. "You had a shooter?"

"Nah did I fuck. Drug dealers are paranoid fucks because they're always off their faces on their own shit." I grinned.

She laughed and gave me a £10,000 wad. "Oh smit you definitely earned this."

We both laughed and I drove her and her remaining £30,000 home.
I was pretty happy with my £10,000 for being a 3 minutes body guard.

She got out of the car and I looked at her.

"Please keep your door locked Sugar. There's some crazy fucks around." I grinned knowing I was one.

She smiled and nodded "thank you so much Smit"

I winked at her and headed home.

First Love, Last Love Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant