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I checked my bank statement; I really wanted to get a proper house and settle down, I was kind of annoyed that Sofia and Jaxon had jobs that didn't pay so well and yet Katie and I well paying jobs and they could afford to buy a house and we couldn't. But I didn't hold a grudge, they just had a stroke of good luck.

Katie came down ready for work; she had cole in her arms. Them two were inseparable, always together.

"hey babe, I've got a meeting with the bank later." I had decided to spend my day off trying to get a mortgage.

Katie nodded "okay baby; text me and let me know how you get on" she looked at Cole "are you taking little man or?"

"I was going to drop him with Sofia. If he has a melt down in the bank it wouldn't be good." I laughed.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Katie agreed.

We said our goodbyes had a quick kiss and she headed out to work.
I gave cole his breakfast and got him ready to see Sofia. I text her

Ria- hey babe, leaving now will be with you soon xxx

Sofia- can't wait to see Cole xxx

They're bond was so cute, I was glad Cole had people that wanted to spend time with him, Katie's family lives overseas and I didn't really have a family.

"come on little man, let's drop you off." I said and Cole smiled.

When I dropped Cole off with Sofia she had asked if she could get a photo shoot done of him and Ezmaya with Becca, I thought it was a lovely idea.. the next generation all together
. So of course I agreed.

I pulled up at the bank, I was so nervous, I putted the sun visor down and checked my makeup in the mirror, touched up my lip gloss and headed inside.
"Ria Gardner-Ryder to see Mr Jones please. "

Receptionist smiled. "take a seat Mrs Gardner-Ryder I'll let him know you're here."

I went over and took a seat and she phoned thru to the bank manager, after a few minutes he came out and smiled "Mrs Gardner-Ryder, come on through"
I followed him to his office and took a seat.

The meeting lasted almost an hour, by the time I got out of the bank I was stressed. I lit and smoke and stood by my car as I called Katie.

Katie- "hey babe how did it go"

Ria- "we got it baby"

Katie- "oh my gosh I was so worried!"

Ria- "I put my car down as collateral"

Katie- "don't even worry, we won't default"

Ria- "I know babe"

Katie- "I've gotta go I have to hold an interview"

Ria- "okay boo I'll see you when you get home."

Katie- "love you babe bye"

Ria- "bye"

I ended the call and got in the car: I sent a quick text to Sofia

Ria; Hows my little man doing xxx

Sofia; he's been amazing, don't hurry home xxx

I loved that she enjoyed spending time with Cole.

Ria; just text me when you want me to come grab him xxx

Sofia; will do xxx

I didn't know what to do with my spare time, I was always with Cole or Katie.. I never had time to myself. This was strange to me.

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