Its a boy

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Today would be the day I would find out the sex of my baby, I was so excited to finally be able to start buying baby clothes.. but on the other hand I was an emotional wreck.

Freya should be here. She was meant to be the one sorting out my gender reveal, after she died I just wanted to cancel it all and not bother. But I knew that wouldn't be fair..

So Jaxon and I had agreed to have a small gender reveal. Just my dads and Ruby, Ria Ryder and cole, Aimee Teddy and Harvey and of course Lucy Smit and Becca.

I got showered and got myself ready to head to the scan, Jaxon had took Ezmaya to my dads, Ria had agreed to come to the scan so she could get the envelope with the gender, Jaxon and I both knew that if we had the gender in our hands we would have to take a peak.

After I had showered and put on some comfortable leggings and a vest top I shouted Jaxon "baby I'm ready"
"Okay sweetheart lets go then" he came out of the living room.
We walked across the hall to Ria's apartment she was walking out of her door as we got there. "Wow how's that for timing" she said to me and smiled. We headed to the car.

Once we got to the ultrasound place we headed inside and signed in then took a seat in the waiting area. I drank a whole bottle of water while we waited, I already had to pee but it was meant to make the scan clearer to have a full bladder.

Ria looked at me "I bet it's another girl."

Jaxon grinned "I would love another girl but I want a boy."

"I don't mind as long as it's healthy." I added.

"Of course. That's the important part." Ria nodded.

The midwife called us in almost straight away, we headed into the room and I took a seat on the bed.

"hi, lets have a look at your baby shall we" the midwife said.

"Yep that's the plan doc." Jaxon smiled.

I lay down and lifted my top, the midwife put the gel on. It was so cold.

"So are we revealing the gender or?" The midwife looked up at us.

"No we're having it wrote down and given to Ria" Jaxon responded.

"I'm Ria" Grinned Ria.

The midwife chuckled. "Ah can't trust yourself not to look?"

"No not at all." I laughed.

The midwife started the ultrasound, she looked at the screen for a few minutes "okay let's find the heartbeat shall we"

She moved the wand around my stomach. And of course I was so nervous waiting to hear that heartbeat, even tho my pregnancy was going well there was always that moment your heart stopped while you were waiting to hear your baby's heartbeat.
Just in case something had gone wrong.

Then I heard the beating and the midwife smiled "there it is, a nice strong heartbeat."
I saw the look of relief on jaxons face too.

"Right let's have a look then" the midwife said as she turned the screen away from us.
Jaxon laughed "we wouldn't be able to tell the gender we wouldn't know what to look for"

The midwife smiled, "you never know, sometimes the parents could be doctors."

Ria smiled "I'm the doctor, not the parents."

The midwife laughed "ah in that case a second set of eyes would definitely be a help"

Ria smiled and headed over to the screen, she looked at it for a moment, " oh wow.. very obvious"

The midwife laughed "I agree" she wrote down the gender on a piece of paper and showed Ria "definitely" Ria smiled.

The midwife printed us a few photos of the baby and then laughed "why you paid for a gender scan I don't know"

Jaxon frowned "what do you mean?"

"Well your doctor friend could have seen the sex from a normal scan photo" the midwife smiled.

"Ah well shit, thanks for nothing Ria." Jaxon joked.

We all laughed, after sorting myself out we said thank you and headed home, Ria dropped us back to the building and then headed out.


Now I had the gender of the baby I had to go and get the balloon, I had ordered a big black balloon for the gender reveal; I just needed the right colour to put inside. I text Lucy

Ria; How's everything going? x

Lucy; foods all set up, just waiting on the balloon. x

Ria; Will be with you soon. x

I pulled over at the card shop and got out of the car.
When I got inside I handed the piece of paper to the shop worker "Thats the gender" I said to her.

Oh exciting she said and told me to give her a few minutes.
I waited in the shop while she went out back. I text Katie.

Ria; How's Cole xxx

Katie; being a little angel xxx

Ria; Good, I love you both xxx

Katie; love you too xxx

The woman walked out with the balloon, "all sorted Mrs Gardner-Ryder" she smiled.

I paid for the balloon and headed back to the car sticking it in the back seats.

Once I got back home I walked into the kitchen, Lucy had done an amazing job setting up the food and decorations everywhere saying 'boy or girl'

There was a pretty pink and blue cake in the middle of the table and pink and blue cupcakes all around it. There were a few balloons on the floor for the kids to play with.

I looked around the room and everyone seemed to be here so I text Sofia to come over.


Ria had text me to head round to hers. I was so excited to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. I told Jaxon to get his shoes back on and we headed across the hall.

I knocked on Ria's door and walked inside, when I got to the kitchen I saw Ria and Katie, my dads and Ruby, Lucy and Smit, Aimee and Teddy, Ezmaya and Harvey were playing on the floor, Cole was sleeping in his bouncer and Katie was holding Becca.

Jaxon and I got to work saying hello to everyone. I gave my dads a hug and gave Ruby a kiss.
I had missed them loads, I went over to Ria and hugged her "can I have a cuddle?" Katie nodded and handed Becca to me.

"Hi princess" I said to her "I wish Freya was here to—" but I was cut off by Lucy "Sofia.."
Shit, I was in trouble for talking to Becca about her mommy, I looked at Lucy "sorry I meant—" but Lucy cut me off again, "you don't need to say Freya; Becca will know all about her birth mother, just say mommy Frey"

I smiled and looked at Becca "I wish mommy freyfrey was here with us. We all miss her so much.."

Jaxon came over and kissed Becca on the head "hey princess, you've grown" I smiled and passed Becca to Lucy "go to mommy, I need to say hi to my princess" it felt weird calling Lucy mommy but she was doing amazing.

After I said hello to everyone Lucy told me to go to the balloon, she started recording and I looked at Jaxon giving him the pin "you do it babe"

He smiled and picked Ezmaya up "is it gonna be a brother or a sister for you madam.." he stuck the pin in the balloon and it popped, blue confetti went everywhere.

I started to cry! I was so happy that we were having a boy, I looked at Jaxon, he was tearing up too, since we had first met he told us we would have a boy and girl, we might have got the order mixed up but we were having one of each.

I was so happy I gave Jaxon the biggest hug. Everyone came over and started to congratulate us and for just a split second, I didn't feel sad about Freya.. I felt happy for our future.

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