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I woke up early, I hardly ever slept these days. I had proof that Jaxon was a murderer and it was all for nothing.

I had worked so hard to became a pathologist to get closer to him and that was for nothing too.
I didn't know what I was doing with my life now. I had worked so hard to get to where I was today and now it was for nothing.

I was shocked when the cop told me she already knew all about Jaxon's crime. And that must be true because no cop would cover for a murderer, it was their job to protect the public so maybe Jaxon was innocent after all.

I doubted that very much. There was no way that man was innocent.

I couldn't even be bothered to have a shower so I just got dressed, had a whiskey breakfast and headed to work.
I was going to have it out with Jaxon whether he wanted to or not.

I stopped at Costa and grabbed two salted caramel frappes, I knew Jaxon liked them as his wife always dropped him one into work.

I walked down the corridor, the door to the freezers was open so Jaxon was already there.
I swiped my badge to clock in and headed to the freezers.

Jaxon looked up at me but never spoke. He never spoke to me anymore, I knew he hated me from the New Year's Eve party and I wished I hadn't cried rape but I was so frustrated that he never even noticed I existed.
I just wanted to be loved. That wasn't a crime. I knew I went the wrong way about it but I can't undo it now.

"I got you a drink." I placed it on the desk.

"Oh thanks." He didn't even look up.

I slid the drink over to him and he checked it. I deserved that.

I slid mine over instead after taking a sip to prove it was fine. He half smiled at me and took a sip, it wasn't exactly best friend stage but it was a start.

"So what do we have today?" I asked.

Jaxon sighed. "how about you work on your file and I'll work on mine."

"I don't feel good, I might go home." I lied.

"don't give me a reason to fire you." Jaxon looked up.

I couldn't believe he was being like this. I was trying to be nice. I would stay and do my job but I wasn't fucking happy about it. "fine."

We worked in silence, that was normal now. My life was silent.
I had no family, no friends, no one to talk to when I got home at night and now I didn't even have a friend at work.

I could go weeks without saying a word and no one would even notice. Aimee had stopped talking to me but I expected that. She was Jaxon's sister-in-law.

I finished my work load pretty early; I just wanted to get out of there and have some time to myself.


I couldn't believer Savannah was trying to be nice now.
Who the fuck did she think she was! she accused me of rape in front of my wife and family and then went to the cops and called me a murderer.
I was one, but that wasn't the point. Why did she hate me so much.

Maybe it was because I killed her two best friends. I couldn't help but feel bad about that, but didn't she understand that if I hadn't met Sofia when I did she would be dead too now.
Maybe that was what she wanted, maybe she was that miserable in this world alone and no one to turn to.

I knew how she felt, until I met Sofia I had been the exact same. No one and nothing in the world.
Now I had Sofia and Ezmaya and Noah, Smit and Lucy and baby Becca. I had Aimee and Harvey. I even had Ria and Ryder and of course Cole, I ended up being so lucky.

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