Jaxons stalker

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Christmas was coming up so I was getting all the hours I could in at work.
I wanted this Christmas to be perfect, it was Sofia's first Christmas with Ezmaya and it was the first one Ezmaya would be old enough to understand.

I had so many plans of what I wanted to do, build a snowman was the first on the list but of course it hadn't snowed so that one wasn't going to happen.

Today I was working on a murder suicide.
A little girl aged 18 months and a woman aged 23.
I headed to the morgue and pulled the bodies out and got to work; it was a Tuesday so I was glad Savannah wouldn't be here to bother me.
I just wanted to get done and get home.

I looked at the body of the little girl, such a beautiful child, all children were. How could somebody do this to a child, the world was full of horrible people. I looked across to the mother. She didn't look like a horrible person she looked like a kids beautiful person.

I began to examine the child, she had marks around her wrists and throat, it was already clear what had happened to her, I did a full examination and put the cause of death down as drowning.

Reading the case notes I saw she had been put into her pjs and found tucked into bed; what had been going thru her mother's mind?

I began to examine the mother, she had cuts up both of her arms, she had took a razor blade to herself after killing her daughter, but why?
I looked at her medical records and then I saw it, postnatal depression..

I wasn't usually emotional about my cases but this time I couldn't help it.
I just broke down and cried.
This poor little girl had been in the bath, with her usually loving mother, enjoying a splash around and then her mother had just turned on her.
She wouldn't have expected it. She wouldn't have know why her mommy had done that to it.

And the poor mother, living her life with this horrible illness, she wouldn't have been in her right mindset when she murdered her little girl, and then the guilt of what she had done drove her to take her own life. It was such a tragic ending to both of their lives. It seemed so unfair.

I don't know how long I was crying for but I felt arms behind Me, around me, I had no idea who it was.. I was at work alone.

I turned around and it was Sofia.

I panicked. I quickly pushed the child's body back into the freezer "baby what are you doing here?" I asked her.
I didn't want her to see this.

"Carla sent me down.." Carla was the detective on the case.
"Fucking Carla. I'll be having a word with her" I was angry.

"I just came to drop you some lunch baby.." Sofia said to me.
I smiled and took her hand and took her to my office.

"So are you seeing your dads for Christmas?" I tried to change the subject.

"I don't think so." She sighed.

"Well we can invite them if you want?" I offered.

"I would prefer it to be just us." She smiled.

"That's fine sweetheart." I smiled back.

"Baby can I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Yes anything.."

"Can Freya spend Christmas with us?" She looked at me.

First Love, Last Love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ