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I was so happy to have my family back together under the same roof, this was a new start for all 3 of us.
Freya had helped out massivly but I was glad she had gone to stay with Corey.

Ezmaya and I hadn't met corey, she had been seeing him for a while now but she never brought her relatonship into the house, she knew I was missing Sofia like crazy and she knew she couldn't introduce a man to Ezmaya without Sofia's permisson.

I woke up to my usual routine, but this time it was different, Sofia was here.
I got out of bed and got Ezmaya up.

I made her scrammbled eggs on toast and I made a bacon sandwich for Sofia, I took the food upstairs and took ezmaya too.

I woke sofia up "morning sweetheart, breakfast is ready."

She woke up with a huge smile, Ezmaya even moved closer to her mommy and sat right next to her.
It was progress, she hadn't really been close to Sofia since she came back but I felt like she was remembering her mommy more and more each day.

"Do you have work today?" Sofia asked me as she kissed Ezmaya on the head and started to eat her food.

"Yes sweetheart" I said as I watched my girls.

"So what is the usual routine on a work day.. I mean what was it when I wasn't here?" she was curious.

"I would get up at 8, shower and dress Ezmaya, then I would head out to work and Freya would sit for Ezmaya until I got home. If she had plans your dad would come and sit for her, Usually James, Daniel is still working full time." I explained.

Sofia nodded and looked at Ezmaya "And then would you sit and have a meal together or?"

I understood why she was feeling paranoid but she really had no reason to. "Freya and I rarely ate together, It would be me, Smit, Lucy and the baby most days, once a week your dads and Ruby would come and eat with us."

Sofia smiled at me, I could tell that made her feel better, and it was the truth.
"I'm so glad my dads and Ruby kept their bond with Ez, how about Ria and Ry.. Katie?" She coreftes herself.

"Oh Ria has Ez on a friday afternoon, from 12 till 5, Well she did.. obviously she wont now."

Sofia frowned "of course she will.. I want Ez to keep her bond with the people that love her most.." She looked at Ezmaya "You're a happy little princess when you're around everyone arent you" She said and Ezmaya just giggled and said mama.

I saw the tears in Sofia's eyes, this was the first time Ezmaya had called her mommy, family life was perfect.

I took Ezmaya to her room and sat her on the floor to play with her toys. I shut the stair gate and went back to my room

"I need to shower babe" I said to Sofia "Ez is playing in her room so you can get yourself sorted" She nodded and I headed for the shower.

While I was in the shower I had the usual flashback, Sofia's arms reaching around me from behind, running her fingers over my chest, moving her hands lower and lower.. only this time the flashback carried on longer.

I turned around and Sofia was actually standing behind me in the shower.. this was real. I was so happy.. I finally relived my fantasy, I had the best shower sex you could imagine.
Life was good

After the shower Sofia got herself ready "I'm taking Ez shopping can we afford a small toy for her?" she asked me.

"Oh sweetheart we can afford a giant dolls house for her.." I responded.

Sofia's face dropped. Fuck, Doll house... "I mean.. thats not what I meant boo, just my job pays better here and we are godo for money now, go spoil her."

She smiled and kissed me, I kissed her back and gave Ezmaya a kiss then headed out for work.

My colleague Savannah, I shit you not she was a new Bekah.

She followed me around like you wouldn't believe, only she was super flirty and always asking me questions.

Today was no different, as soon as I walked into the freezers she smiled at me
"I got you a mocha babe"

I smiled polietly and took it "Thanks Savannah, lets get this done I need to be home early today"

She pouted and pulled up the case notes on her laptop. "You don't usually worry about heading straight home." She said to me.

"Oh yeah. My missus is back sooo.. I wanna be home as much as possible." I smiled.

But her face dropped. "Yeah. 27 year old male. Stabbed to death. Probably a pervert. You write it up." She stormed out of the room.
I had no idea what was wrong with that bitch, I began to look over the body.

There were marks around his wrist, he had been cuffed, burns to his chest and then the obvious stab wound that killed him.
He wasn't a pervert.
I knew what a pervert looked like, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, probably the drug cartel from around the corner got their hands on him.

Poor guy had a wedding photo in his wallet and a photo of a little boy that looked about 6.
He didn't deserve this. And he didn't deserve Savannah writing him off as some perverse guy.
She needed to sort her fucking head out.

She came back in the room.
"So pervert. Like I said?" She asked me.

"Actually no, wrong side of the drug cartel" I corrected her as I filled out my report.
She just sat on the swivel chair and watched me.
"So, Jax, how long you had a missus for" what was it to do with her!
"A couple of years. We're getting married" I said.

She rolled her eyes and got out of her chair "you finish up here. I'm going home. I've covered for your ass plenty of times." She stormed out again.

20 minutes later I caught her snooping in my office draws. What the fuck was she up to. I didn't have time for this. I had to get home to Sofia.

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