Coming Home

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It had been a year and it had been the most unhappiest year of my life.

I did my time, 24 months in prison, I got let out after 12 months for good behaviour.

But all that aside, Today I would finally get to see my princess and my husband to be.

I hadn't had any contact with Jaxon or Ezmaya in the past 12 months. Even Freya hadn't been to see me..

My princess was 1 already, I promise these are happy tears!

I went through security and got my thing's my phone, cash, a photo of Ezmaya, my purse and some other things.

My phone was completely dead so I asked if I could have a phone call.

I called Jaxon but it said the number was barred.. I was so confused.
Why would he change his number?
So I called a taxi to take me to the house instead.

As I got into the taxi my emotions were high!

I didn't know what to expect.
I had missed a whole year, I spent my time inside a cell and on a prison yard.

The grass seamed greener and the air was nice and clear. Everything felt so different.
I was 18 now, a fully fledged adult. And I was ready to keep my head down and begin my adult life with my man and my daughter.

we wee getting closer to our home and my heart was racing.

I could feel it pounding in my chest.

I paid the taxi driver with the little cash I had left from my prison commissary, I had worked as I cleaner while in prison to get a bit of cash.

My mom, Who wasn't dead by the way, Had also been putting in a little money here and there for me.

I opened the car door and walked up to our front door and knocked.

I had a massive smile on my face, But all of the sudden a random women answered the door.

I thought 'Are you for real?!' He promised me the world but he had completely moved on in a year.

I had clearly meant nothing to him..

I looked at her "I'm sorry is jax here?"

The woman looked at me "I'm sorry I've lived hear a year there is nobody called Jaxon here.."

I felt very confused.
Where would he have gone?

Did he take Ezmaya away from me,
I started feeling upset, Just the I saw Ria in the garden.

I ran over to her in a panic. "Ria, Ria.. have you seen Jaxon and Ezmaya?" I asked her.

Ria looked up from her plants. " I haven't Sofia, I'm sorry" she replied and then she went inside.

'How rude' I thought..

Ria came back outside and handed me a latte "It's good to see you Sofia.. Here, he left this for you."

It was a letter saying that he would wait for me to come home, That he had moved and changed all his details.

That if I loved him like he thought I did I would be able to him.. 'He's not that smart' I thought to myself.

I smiled at Ria "Could I have Jaxon's phone number please?"

Ria grinned, She must have read the note and knew I wasn't stupid.
"Of course you can hunny, Are you excited to see Ezmaya? I bet shes grown since you last saw her?" She said kindly as she gave me the number.

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