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I couldn't believe this would be the day that we would move into our forever home.
We had already sent all our stuff over so I just had to give the apartment a clean before handing the keys back.

Sofia was so happy with the house that we picked and even I liked it.
I was glad that our kids would have a place to grow up and a loving home to spend their days in.

They have a loving mommy and daddy, an amazing aunt and uncle and cousin, then of course they had Aimee and Harvey, even tho they had moved away they would very much stay a part of our lives.
We had FaceTimed Harvey a lot since he had moved and tho it had only been a short time he had settled really well. It was the best thing for both of them.

And of course Ria and Ryder would still be close by, it was crazy the bond Ryder had with Ezmaya, she had done a lot for me in the past. I owed her so much. If it wasn't for her I would be in prison or dead.

I looked around the apartment one last time and smiled, this was my first family home. This was where Ezmaya said her first words and took her first steps, but it was tainted with the memories of being alone while my wife was in prison.

The memories of Freya helping me and Ezmaya, I had never ever seen Freya in a romantic way. She was like a sister to me.. I was so sad that we had lost her.

I left the apartment and Locked up for the last time, headed to the lift and called the landlord.
I told him the keys were ready for him and he told me to go to his house. He had already checked the place of for damage and told me I would get my deposit back.

I got in the car and drove the 20 minutes to Allan the landlords house. I got out and knocked the door

"you alright Jax, me and the wife are sad to see you go" he said.

"I'm sad to leave but my family is growing." I smiled.

"you're doing what you need to do, I'm happy for you and your wife." He nodded.

He handed me back my £600 deposit and we said our goodbyes. He was a good landlord, I was going to miss him. He had always done the repairs as soon as I called him.

I got in the car and text Sofia.

Jaxon; hows it going baby xx

Sofia- good, Katie is putting Ezmaya's bed together xx

Jaxon; we should buy them something to say thank you xx

Sofia; I think so too xx

I had the best idea, I text her

Jaxon; I'll go pick something up now xx

Sofia; okay xx

Jaxon; love you sweetheart xx

Sofia; you too xx

I looked up the closest dog shelter. It was only a 9 minute drive. I headed over there.

"welcome to lost heart dog shelter" the receptionist smiled.

"thank you, I'm after a puppy" I grinned.

"Ah what breed of dog do you want?" She asked.

"I'm not really sure I was hoping you could help me out." I shrugged.

"Well tell me a little about your family and life." She got up.

"I have a 2 year old daughter; a baby on the way; a roomy house with a big garden, and I'm a bit of a fitness fanatic." I laughed.

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