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The moment I saw everyone again was an emotional rollercoaster, Especially seeing Ezmaya.

I was speechless when I looked at her, she was walking around minding her own buissness, I asked her to come say hi to mummy? she wasn't interested she just wanted to play.

Jaxon told me she needed time just like I did. "its been a year without you for her too" He reminded me.

I was so happy to see Freya too, She had been amazing with Jaxon and Ezmaya. I couldn't thank her enough, we went into the kitchen for a chat.

"This apartment is beautiful, you can tell he had some help." I said to Freya.

She smiled and nodded. "He didn't have a clue bless him, he became a single dad so fast and decided to move.. I was just there to guide him until you got home.."

"Well he's not a single dad anymore..." I reminded her. "I'm here now, but I'm so thankful for all you have done."

Freya bit her lip "I didn't mean it bad, I'm so sorry, I feel awful we're all so glad your home."

Before I could answer Ezmaya came in the room. She walked over to Freya and put her hands up.
Freya then looked at me, I knew she was trying to tell me to pick my daughter up and give her a cuddle.

So I picked up Ezmaya and she started crying saying "Frey Frey"
I tried comforting her but she was so upset, I ended up giving her to Freya so she would calm down and I headed to the bathroom..

I cried and cried 'my own daughter doesn't even know who I am' I thought. 'she doesn't want me.'
I was so upset I didn't know what to do. I just wanted this day to end. 

There was a knock at the bathroom door "I'll be out in a second" I shouted, wiping my tears away.

"You okay sweetheart?" It was Jaxon. "let me in and we can talk?"

I didn't want to talk. "Jax honestly, I just need 10 minutes on my own.."

"You have had a whole year to yourself.." his tone was harsh.

"Yeah and doesn't my daughter know it.." I said quietly.

i couldn't believe he would be like that.
Did he have any idea what I was going through.
I wiped my tears away, put my makeup back on and held my head high and went back out to the living room..

Smit came straight over "Hey girl, you look good considering you've been inside prison for a year."

Trust him to point it out. "Hey Smit how are you doing?"

"I'm good thank's for asking" Smit looked over to Freya holding Ezmaya. "You having baby troubles?"

"Nothing I can't fix." I put on a fake smile.

Smir chuckled. "Ah just give her a good hiding she wont ever think twice about double crossing you.."

"Smit.. don't ever have kids" I walked away laughing, I knew he was joking.

Ria and Katie turned up too. It was like a welcoming party.
I wished everyone would leave. All I wanted was to be with Jaxon and Ezmaya, all these people could go.

The room started spinning and I could feel myself getting uneasy.
I started having a panic attack.

Ria helped it settle down, I was so glad she noticed it and nobody else did.
She took me into the other room no doubt to ask what was wrong.

"You're having a panic attack, are you okay?" She quizzed me.

"It's just all so overwhelming, I can't handle it" I answered her honestly.

"Why what's happened?" She looked concerned as she made me a glass of water.

I started to tear up again "I don't think me and Ezmaya have a bond"

Ria handed me the glass. "Aww don't be silly, children never forgot their mummy, It's hard right now you've both had a year away from each other.. you both need to get to know one another again.."

She was right "Thank you Ria" I said to her and she gave me a massive cuddle and said "I think it would be best if Freya wasn't living here too."
I knew she was right.

Jaxon pulled me aside for a chat.
He had put Ezmaya down for a nap so we went into our bedroom.
It was beautiful, all my clothes were hanging up in the wardrobe, it felt homely after all.

I could tell just from looking around our bedroom that it was mine and his, my stuff was everywhere, there was no way he had another woman in here, and I knew right then that there was no way Freya had slept in that room with him.

"I over heard your conversation with Ria everything okay?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "No Jax it's not okay. I know you blame me for the way I'm feeling and the fact I gave up being a mother to Ezmaya and a fiance to you, but shes the only thing I thought about every single minute of every single day and she doesn't even remember me."

Jaxon put his arms around me "Sofia that's were you're wrong, every time she see's a picture of you she says mama and kisses the photo. she's just shocked that she had only seen you on a picture for the last year and now you're here in person. She is a child, she will learn to adapt to you again it takes time."

I knew he was right. "I've got plenty of time, I won't ever put her in danger again." I said. And I meant it.

"I'm so happy your home sweetheart." Jaxon kissed me.

"It's good to be home." I smiled.

We cuddled for ages, and he kept grabbing my ass. My god I had missed him.
I knew I had to pull Freya aside and speak about her living arrangements, I didn't want to do it but it had to happen.

I headed back downstairs to find her.
"Can I speak to you for a minute Freya?" I asked when I did find her.

"Of course you can, whats up?" She smiled.

"I mean this is the nicest possible way, but you've got to go.." I just blurted it out.

Freya looked completely understanding. "That's not a problem Sofia, I was just staying around incase you needed me."

I grabbed her and pulled her close cuddling her. "I'm grateful for everything you have done for my family, but I need to take it from here. It you are around she's just going to find it hard to let me be her mummy, I really do appreciate everything you've done. You can stay a few night's until you find somewhere to go." I offered.

Freya smirked "oh I've got somewhere to go so don't you worry about me. My boyfriend asked me to move in once you settled at home."

"When did you get a boyfriend.." I wanted details.

"Oh about 8 month's ago." She smiled. "I can finally feel what you feel for Jaxon, and it feels so good to feel loved. If you or Ezmaya or Jaxon ever need me i'm a call away."

"I appreciate that but were going to be fine." I smiled. "But coffee and a catch up soon?"

Freya grinned "well obviously babe!"

Not long after, Jaxon and I said goodbye to everyone.
I was so thankful that Freya had got herself a boyfriend because I definitely knew nothing had happened between her and Jaxon.. and now I could finally be the best mum and wife-to-be and life would be perfect.

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