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Do you ever just want to be anywhere that isn't your current location?
That's how I feel at work.

I hate dead bodies. I didn't want to be a pathologist. I had to get this job. I had to be near Jaxon.

Let's go back a few years, I was working in a strip club called Twinkle Lights with my best friends Lola and Jessica. We were the best 3 girls there. Everyone wanted a dance from us, the manager used to call us Charlie's angels.

One night I saw Jaxon there, I had no idea who he was but fuck me he was gorgeous. Every girl there was desperate to dance for him. To feel his hands on them. Me included.

Lola was his favourite, he picked her for a dance, she was so quick to rub it in all the other girls faces as she headed over and danced for him.

About a week later Lola stopped coming in to work. Then we were told she had took her own life, I was heartbroken, so was Jessica.
That night Jaxon was back at the club, he looked at me and I swear he winked at me. He wanted me. I was so happy.

Then he picked Jessica instead. I didn't know what was so bad about me, he never picked me.

Jessica ended up taking her own life too. Everyone was... upset of course, but we were strippers. We weren't exactly the happiest of people so no one found it out of the usual. Except me.

I knew Jessica well and she was not a suicidal woman. I got curious about the fact both of them had danced for Jaxon and both turned up dead. 

A week later he was sat there again, eyes on the girls on stage. He was smiling at me. I knew it was my turn to dance for him, I wanted to find out what was going on. But then the fucking new girl walked out on to the stage.
His eyes went straight to her and long story short, he married her.

So anyway Jaxon and Sofia began dating and I was pissed. I wanted him. It wasn't fair.

No girls were disappearing at this point so I decided to take it upon myself. I wanted him to see I could be like him. I was better than her.

Elisabeth Short was a pain in my ass. She kept stealing all the rich clients. I decided I would kill her. And then tell Jaxon what I had done. He would be so proud of my and break up with the girl.

But I couldn't do it. So I went online and hired a hitman to do it, he killed Elisabeth and I paid him. But then the stupid fuck raped her. How could I take the credit for that now?!

So I couldn't tell Jaxon.

Not long after. She ended up in prison, she confession to all HIS crimes. But this was good for me, it meant Jaxon was single again.

He never came back to twinkle lights, I checked his place of work and he wasn't there either.

I knew he wouldn't be far, so I began to stalk all the strip clubs in a 100 miles, hoping I would see his face again.

You might think I'm a stalker but I'm not, he had given me that look and I knew he wanted me too.

After a year I gave up! I couldn't find him. It was pointless, but then I saw Sofia at a prison while I was visiting an ex boyfriend. She had a child with her! It couldn't be their child.

She was dealing drugs. I knew all the signs to look for and that was definitely what she was doing.

I followed her home and that's where I saw him again. My heart Was racing. I needed him in my life. I needed her out of the way.

I began to stalk them every day. Just watching and waiting for her to fuck up, I walked past him in a Costa and said hello to him.
He just smiled and said hi. After everything we had been through together he had completely forgotten me! I couldn't believe it!

Then one day I saw her head for the prison again so I followed her. As she went into the visiting room I told the guard that she was dealing.

Then I heard on the news that she had been arrested for supplying drugs to inmates. Finally I could have Jaxon for myself.

I got to work on becoming a pathologist straight away. I knew his place of work this time and I was going to take the other bitches job.
Her name was Monica, I began to threaten her on social media and made her life hell until she relocated then I swooped in and took her job.

Jaxon and I would spend all day every day together, we would laugh and joke all the time. We were basically dating!

He lived with a girl called Freya but she was just a babysitter, he constantly told me that him and her were in no way involved. Bless him he wanted me to be okay with her. I was. As long as he was mine.

Then out of no where that bitch Sofia came back and suddenly he was married to the woman that had put his child at risk. I was livid. We were meant to be a thing.

So there I was doing a job I hated, with a man that I was in love with but he was married.

Jaxon walked into the morgue and I stapled our if my day dream. I looked up from my paperwork.

"hows life?" I asked him.

"It's good." He was blunt.

"And hows the wife?" I hated her.

"She's amazing" Jaxon smiled this time.

"Yeah amazing at getting herself arrested." I muttered under my breath.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Jaxon asked me. Fuck. He had heard.

"Oh nothing" I said cheerfully.

"If you have something to say Savannah then say it." He snapped at me.

"How old was your wife when you started seeing each other?" I already knew the answer.

"17." He was blunt. And a liar.

"Nah. She had your child by the time she was 17." I smirked.

"Just fuck off Savannah." He warned me.

Ooh, he was not happy with me. 'Better watch it, He might kill me.' I thought to myself and laughed.
He just rolled his eyes at me and stormed off back to his office.

We working in silence for the rest of the day.
A few days before he had tried to intimidate me, I was not scared of him at all.

He had grabbed me and threatened to kill me. Like was that meant to bother me? If he knew I was the reason his pretty little girlfriend had ended up in prison I would already be dead.

When I got home from work that night he was standing outside my apartment, so now HE was stalking ME? Ironic.

He was a little late to that party.. I had been following him for years, and now I was ready to turn his life upside down.

His brother had already died, which was bad news for me because he was my first target. But what did Jaxon and Sofia love more than anything in this world... Their daughter.

Little Ezmaya was who I had my sights set on.. I might take out Freya too, just for something to do.

Now he is happily married with a good job, a nice house, great friends.. His past is coming for him.

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