Parents Are A Waste.

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It had been a few weeks since I had movies out of Jaxon and Sofia's house.
When I first met them I didn't think we would get along but I was so wrong.

They were both amazing people with a lovely daughter and they were so good to Harvey and I.
I was sad to leave but we needed to stand on our own two feet.

I wished Ezra had got a change to be a father to Harvey but we were just happy to have whatever family we could.
They all talked to Harvey about what type of person his dad was.
I wasn't lucky enough to know Ezra well but I knew he would live on through our child.

Harvey had started daycare, just 2 days a week. I was trying to find a job and get some money behind us.

Today Harvey was in daycare so I text smit.

Aimee; Hi uncle Smit will you help mommy decorate my bedroom. x

Smit; uncle Smit can't decorate for shit.

Aimee; Ah fuck. x

Smit; but auntie Lucy can. She will be over shortly. X

Aimee; thank you so much. Xx

I went downstairs and put the coffee machine on, I really liked Lucy.
She kept trying to shrink me though. I didn't need a therapist I needed a living baby daddy.

Lucy walked in a little while later

"hey babe, I'm not interior designer but I can hold a paint brush.l" she grinned and hugged me.

I hugged her back "Thanks any help is great. I just want everything perfect for Harvey."

"Oh it will be babe come on." Lucy said and we headed upstairs and started painting the room blue.

"so what do you think of the family?" Lucy asked.

"I love everyone. Harvey is a lucky boy." I smiled.

"Well you're one of us now." Lucy was so lovely.

"Aww it's nice to have a family." I said to her.

"Sofia has been great lately. Grown up so much." Lucy looked at me.

"Oh yeah she acts so much older than she is." I agreed.

"Well she had to grow up fast. what with the prison time and—"

"The prison time!" I cut her off

"she Uhm.. she sold drugs." Lucy looked like she regretted opening her mouth.

"oh wow" I was shocked. I would never have guessed.

"Yeah but at least she was cleared for the murder charges." Lucy continued.

"Murder?" I said with clear shock in my voice.

What the fuck. I lived with her and she was a murderer?

"Well did she do it." I asked.

"No of course she didn't she was 15" Lucy smiled.

"So who was see... Jaxon?" I was beyond shocked.

"Jaxon didn't... he wasn't..." Lucy stuttered.

She stopped talking and kept painting.  I didn't push the subject, I didn't want to know.. I kept painting

"So do you plan on having kids." I asked Lucy.

"Yea, we've been trying" she frowned.

"Oh.. it will happen" I reassured her.

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